Warning for Gambling at Workplace

Several restrictions and limitations are to be followed in a workplace. These rules are the same for the senior management to junior most management. A cultured and respectful environment brings harmony and integration which lead to productivity and prosperity in the workplace. There are various laws regarding gambling in the workplace. These things are strictly prohibited, and strict punishments are always seen in breaking the rules on these set of laws. Gambling is a perilous game and one can even lose all the assets of his/her entire life through it. When it comes at the end of the workplace, it…

Warning Letters for Misconduct

The misconduct of an employee is never acceptable by the company. The company issues warning letter to its employees to inform that their misconduct has been noticed and taken lightly by the company and he/she is required to change his behavior. This letter also states that if the employee repeats the misconduct despite receiving the warning letter, the organization has a right to terminate the job of the employee from the services. The warning letter is beneficial for the company in case the employee files a case against the company for unfair termination. How to write on employees’ misconduct? The warning…

Resignation Due to Unfair Treatment

A workplace is restricted to many limitations on behalf of values and principles. The common law of justice must be enforced in all the sectors, businesses, and organizations etc. of the country. Fair treatment at every level is the first and foremost requirement since the world came into existence.  The injustice of any kind leads to failure of society. The society where justice and laws are not given any value is always under crises. Likewise, a workplace is obliged to provide a just and fair treatment from the top management to the bottom. If unfair treatment is seen, the employees…

Resignation Due to Job Dissatisfaction

Job satisfaction is a vital factor that counts on the growth of the workplace. It is attributed to a variety of factors like interest level, communication level, cooperation level and many more. But, it is rarely seen that an employee is much satisfied with his/her job. Almost 60% to 70% of professionals are always found complaining about their job level. Hence, the organization must take notice of this issue. And, it should plan and implement different way outs to attain employee’s satisfaction. Dissatisfaction at the job level can occur due to a variety of factors. When employee’s expectations are not…

Resignation due to Poor Management

The principles of management provide a successful gateway to keep the appropriate management system of the workplace. The workplace and its employees collectively cooperate and communicate for the achievement of desired targets, goals and objectives. The better the management is, the more successful the work environment will be. Additionally, the analysis of every aspect is fundamentally important before the development of management systems. Moreover, the process of planning, controlling and coordination need to be dealt with efficiently. When an unsatisfactory management setup prevails, the employees opt for resignation. A resignation due to poor management can be given in any of…

Missed Appointment Follow-up Letters

Missing an appointment is a nightmare. In today’s busy world, these are appointments that rule the world. Those people who don’t want to waste their time use appointments to make appropriate use of their time. Meeting people or planning anything else requires busy people to plan out their time properly. In order to meet such people, you have to take an appointment. What is missed appointment follow-up letter? A missed appointment follow-up letter is written to the particular person who you could not meet for any reason. This letter is written to explain why you could not show up at…

Resignation Due to Conflict with Boss

The workplace has several rules and regulations. These regulations are applicable to both employees and employers. The management of the company is obliged to create a friendly and cooperative environment. But, cooperation is needed from both ends. If the management is giving its excellence, the employees should also put in their best possible efforts regarding their performance. Above all, the higher authorities need to be very polite and kind in their behavior. Sometimes, the bosses are very troublesome. They always try to create an appalling and creepy environment despite the employee’s satisfactory performance. They create conflicts without any general reason.…

Resignation Due to Bad Work Environment

The environment and surroundings have a deep impact on the residents of the society. The better the environment, the more dwelled and cultured individuals will be. In the same way, the workplace is also directly affected by the type of environment. The management is solely responsible to take initiative in giving a sound, communicative, and friendly environment. This type of environment creates open-mindedness among all the members. Hence, it brings a willingness to work hard and wholeheartedly. The bad environment of the workplace leads to many troubles and issues. One issue is resignation. When the bad environment is getting on…

Project Report Cover Pages

If you are a professional person, you might be aware of the professional needs of cover pages. The project report cover page is the first thing the reader sees when s/he receives the project report. Many people completely rely on the cover page. If they find the cover page to be attractive, they accept the project report. The cover page totally depends on the project report you are going to submit. All the details that are included in the cover page also depend on the actual project report. It is very important to make a link between the report and…

Unprofessional Behavior Warning Letters

#1 The human resource department has bought this to our attention that you have been coming late to work every day. You must know that we are a company which belief in discipline and following policies. This is a serious breach of the rules and very unprofessional as well. As per the policy, if you are late to work for any reason you must report to your line manager. Upon inquiring from your line manager, he never got notified by you for being late. Please take this letter as a warning and we expect you to improve your behavior in the…

Warning Letter for Substandard Duty Performance

Good communication at the workplace keeps the environment friendly. Likewise, it helps in the quick resolution of prevailing and present issues. Additionally, time-to-time communication with employees helps them understand performance expectations and performance judgment criteria. Moreover, the boosted satisfaction level of employees makes them diligent and devoted to performing all the assigned tasks and duties. Hence, all these efforts contribute to the success of a workplace. Sometimes, employees are found to have poor performance, and failure in the achievement of tasks and responsibilities is seen. In such cases, a warning letter is issued for substandard performance. It can be issued…

Holiday Work Schedule Announcement Letters

The holiday work schedule announcement is important for an organization when it wants to let the employees, customers and other clients know about the work routine over the holidays. When the holiday season arrives, everyone prepares for it. The organizations also start announcing work schedule for holidays. It is the biggest task for an organization to give detailed information about the schedule beforehand. The main priority of every organization is to ensure that every employee has been informed about the work schedule properly The announcement should be done with a proper and well-written announcement. It can be in the form…

Warning Letter for Felony

Guilt or crime of any kind is always taken seriously in the society. A society has strict laws against all kind of crimes. Once, a guilt or crime is pronounced, a serious punishment is given to the guilty. A serious crime is known as a felony. When a felon is convicted of a felony, his all kind of property is seized. Moreover, a serious punishment is also declared on the felon in many cases. A warning letter for the felony can be issued in many cases. Some of the cases are as follows: When an employee is found in committing…

Warning Letter for Failure to Obey Order from an Authority

The rules and regulations of a country are framed in such a way that all citizens must follow them. Secondly, the government is obliged to set such a system that everyone is aware of his/her limitations. All the authorities enforce the laws in such a way that they are easy to be obeyed. Time-to-time reminder of laws and rules must be done by the government. Moreover, punishment must be given on failures to follow the orders. It creates a lesson for other individuals as to avoid committing crimes etc. In an organization, employees must follow to obey the orders issued…

Letter to Cancel an Already Scheduled Interview

Interviews and appointments hold a significant place in the professional world. They need to be dealt with appropriately and professionally. Scheduling an interview is quite a complex task. The employer must keep in view all the situations that can occur before making a schedule of interviews to avoid any hindrances. A variety of situations can lead to the cancellation of an already scheduled interview. These situations can be from both the applicant and the employer. These situations are: From the employer’s side: From the applicant’s side: In all these situations a letter to cancel the scheduled interview is sent. The…

Directive Letter to Employees for Change in a Procedure

Directive letters are written to issue directions to people who are working in your supervision. Any change in the procedure done by the company should be told to employees. The change in procedure is required to be followed and accepted by every employee in the company. Moreover, if there is any action that the management of the company wants the employees to take, it is specified in the form of instructions in the directive letter. Tips for writing a directive letter: Since the main purpose of writing the directive letter is to give instructions to the recipient, the instructions should…

Warning Letter for Giving False Testimony

Speaking truth is significantly important in everyday life. An individual telling a lie or giving false statements is never considered trustworthy even if he is telling a truth at some time. A workplace is committed to keeping a good environment. A good environment is favorable for both the organization and its members. An entity or workplace has strict norms and procedures regarding various predictable situations. Additionally, serious actions are supposed to be taken against breaking some rules like giving false testimony. While an employee is exposed to false testimony, strict action is taken, and a warning is issued. A warning…

Warning Letter for Refusal to Cooperate with an Official Inquiry

Cooperation is very important both personally and professionally. Cooperation at the personal level keeps one safe from millions of troubles and worries regarding family matters. Likewise, cooperation at workplace keeps one safe from having warnings, displeasure notes, and bad effect on position, ranks, and qualification. Failure to follow all the respective rules and regulations lead to warnings at a workplace. In such cases, a formal warning letter is issued respectively. Once an employee is found to refuse for cooperation with an official inquiry, a formal warning is being issued. This warning can be issued in several refusal cases. These cases…

Warning Letter for Physical Confrontation

Proud and rude behavior always keeps one in trouble. The conscience of a rude person always pinches him/her about his misbehavior. Such individuals never have peace of mind. Respectively, a workplace requires its employees to have much patience, hard work and time for survival. By this way, they can be successful and attain all that they want. A person with good behavior and manners is always free from worries and troubles at the workplace. He is admired by all the members of the organization. Likewise, physical abuse in the workplace is a matter of serious concern. If a physical confrontation…

Warning Letter for Wearing Untidy Uniform

Rules and regulations are the power and pride of a workplace. A sound following of rules and regulations give peace and harmony at the workplace. And a workplace desires from all employees to meet all the expectations. All the employees and members at a workplace are obliged to follow some rules, regulations, and procedures on daily basis. These rules can be of any type. They can be for office decorum, leaves and absenteeism, behavior, performance criteria, working hours, dress code, hygiene, ethics and many more. Failure to follow all such rules leads to warnings. An excessive number of warnings led…

Warning Letter for Verbal Confrontation

Everyone has a big responsibility of valuing ethics, norms, and behavior both personally and professionally. A cultured person is given respect all over the society. The behavior and moral values are first being learned from the home. The better the home environment, the most cultured and respectful an individual will be. The words we speak matters a lot to our surroundings. That is why it is always said that think before you speak. Additionally, patience is an important element while having a conversation. Patience saves us from using abusive language. Thus, this all is resultant of the type of personality…