Good communication at the workplace keeps the environment friendly. Likewise, it helps in the quick resolution of prevailing and present issues. Additionally, time-to-time communication with employees helps them understand performance expectations and performance judgment criteria. Moreover, the boosted satisfaction level of employees makes them diligent and devoted to performing all the assigned tasks and duties. Hence, all these efforts contribute to the success of a workplace.
Sometimes, employees are found to have poor performance, and failure in the achievement of tasks and responsibilities is seen. In such cases, a warning letter is issued for substandard performance.
It can be issued in different situations, which are:
- When an employee fails to submit the weekly report on time.
- When an employee is unable to fulfill the assigned tasks and responsibilities.
- When an employee fails to submit the project report on the due date.
- When the employee fails to achieve the performance expectations.
Hence, there can be a variety of reasons that lead to substandard performances. The warning letter for poor or unsatisfactory performance is issued once the employee is found repeating the same mistake consecutively. This warning is being sent by the departmental manager.
The letter is concise and formal. This letter contains the details of the substandard performances. Additionally, the letter can also contain some suggestions on how to improve performance and fulfill the assigned tasks. The letter can also serve as the last warning, depending on the nature of the occurrences.
Sample Letters
Sub: Unsatisfactory performance
Dear (first name)
Due to a few complaints from your supervisor, your performance at the workplace has been under observation for a few months, and it has been found to be unsatisfactory. The reason is your inability to meet deadlines. At the time of your appointment it was made clear that meeting deadlines is very crucial in our line of work and no leniency should be expected. Keeping in view the quality of your work in the past, we are holding off taking any action against you this time.
Hence, consider this letter as your first warning. Quality work in a timely manner is expected from you if you wish to continue working with us. Should you require any assistance, do not hesitate to consult your supervisor.
Sub: Unsatisfactory performance for [ABC]
Dear (first name)
This is to inform you that our yearly evaluation reports have found your performance to be below the level of acceptability. You have been given several verbal warnings from time to time with the hope of seeing some improvement from your side, but to no avail.
You are being given a time of 30 days to show improvement in your performance by achieving the set targets. Failure to do so shall result in an action taken against you.
Please sign a copy of this letter as an acknowledgment of this matter. Should you have any queries feel free to reach out to the Human Resources department.
What is your view of why an association appoints a person? What are the expectations of the corporation associated with that person? Of course, performance is the answer to the queries. If each and every individual involved in it is doing his or her job well, the company will be successful. If the opposite is true, the company will fail.
The company has been observing your performance for the last few weeks and is disappointed by the poor performance you have been showing since then. You seemed inattentive in meetings and stayed late in submitting most of the assigned tasks. You were clearly told the dos and don’ts when the company hired you. Poor performance is a big no-no for us. If you are willing to keep working with us, you must work otherwise to prove your worth once again.
You should stay focused and show a responsible attitude, as we still believe in your capabilities and want to provide you with one more chance in this regard. But if you continue with the already existing routine, you would categorically summon authoritarian actions in the form of one-month unpaid work or termination.

Sample Letter File: 39 KB
An organization makes progress only when its employees are very vigilant and diligent regarding their responsibilities as a union. They want their company to stand somewhere in the higher ranks and work for that cause by putting all the possible exertions into it. On the other hand, a company can lose its reputation in the market if some negligence is shown by its irresponsible representatives.
You have stayed quite an active part of our organization, but now things are moving in the opposite direction regarding your performance. To be successful in life, it is mandatory to stay balanced and constant. Success is not a matter of working hard for some days and then waiting for it to come to you all by itself. It must be earned until you breathe your last.
We want to inform you that if you want to stay a part of our corporation, you must prove yourself. From now on, you will be under observation by higher authorities, and in the next week, you will be declared in or out depending on the quality of your performance.

Sample Letter File: 39 KB
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee