Hello, I am [Your Full Name]. Recently, I applied for a job in the [Department’s Name] to fill in the vacant position of [Designation]. The recruiter told me that they would make the final interview call after the completion of the reference check process. I would be thankful to you if you could provide me with certain information related to this process.
First, please inform me how much time it will take to complete the process and second, what would be the specific method followed at this organization for reference check. I would be grateful if you could provide me with the contact information of the concerned official who handles reference checks so that I can ask further questions related to the process and my interview schedule. Thank you very much in advance.
Hello Mr./Ms.,
My name is [Your Name]. After applying for the position for [Designation], the recruitment team informed me that the process of reference check shall be initiated and then, they will call suitable candidates for further screening process. Can you please explain the process method that is specifically being followed at your organization? I can provide further details related to my previous employer and educational institute, whoever you contact for a reference check, for the convenience that will speed up the procedure.
Moreover, it would be very kind of you if you could provide me with the name and contact information of the HR official who handles the reference checks. I will be grateful for this favor. Regards!
Good Morning Mr. [Name],
I am reaching out to you to request details of the reference check process. I would be glad if you could share with me the details related to the reference check process. Being my first workplace ever, the process is ambiguous to me.
What is the specific method at your esteemed organization to conduct the reference check, which personnel are contacted to verify the information, and how the evaluations are made? I hope you can share the contact information of the HR personnel who conducts the reference check. I can contact them to ask for further information/details required. I will be thankful for your cooperation.
I am [Your Name], who applied for the job of [Potential Position] at your esteemed organization. I am reaching out to you to ask for some information related to the reference check process. What are the specific protocols that are followed to complete the reference check process? If you can provide me with the contact details of the person(s) who are handling the task of reference check, I will be able to get the further information I need.
If you have any more insights that can help me, I am here to receive all the information required. Your kind coordination in this matter will be immensely helpful and vital. I will be grateful to you for your time and consideration.
[HR Personnel’s Name], I hope this message finds you in high spirits. I am reaching out to seek clarity on the reference check procedure for the position I have applied for (The position applied for is [designation], applied via [platform], on [date]. I have several questions related to the reference check protocols and need some information on the officials who will be contacted for this very purpose. It is also to say that I can share the relevant person’s details and contact information for the process of reference check.
Also, could you kindly furnish me with the contact details of the concerned individuals/officials who are responsible for conducting reference checks or handling the task of evaluation of references? Your cooperation in this matter will be sincerely appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.
Best Regards,
[Your Name]
Dear [Recipient’s Name], I hope this message finds you doing very well. I assume there is a specific process of reference check as a protocol to invite candidates for a final screening or interview. I am writing to request information regarding the reference check procedure for the position I recently applied for. I have applied for [Mention the position] on [Date].
If it is a lot, please provide me with the contact information of the concerned HR official who handles the reference checks and the applicant’s queries. Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly valued. I will be thankful for your attention to this request. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Letter Sample 16 KB
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee