Email Templates

Email to Professor about Being Sick

Email -1 This message aims to bring to your notice that due to an ailment, I could not take accounting classes. I have been on leave for the past three days and till I recover I can’t attend university. I am extremely anxious about not executing well in final exams as I have missed most of the accounting lectures. Secondly, I have also the fear of getting short of attendance. I am not in a situation to attend university and therefore asking for five days’ leave. I would like to get help from you in your free time so may…

Email for Poor Performance in Sales

People working in any department of the company are required to show compliance with the policy of the company. Since they are paid for the work they do, there is a certain number of expectations they have to meet. Their performance is continuously monitored and when they are not performing up to the mark, they can be taken to task. An email is an electronic correspondence between an employer and the employee that lets the employee know that his performance in sales is not meeting the standards of the company and he needs to improve his performance. In some cases,…

Eid Greeting Email to Staff

What is an Eid greeting email? At the outset of the Eid holidays, Muslims across the world start their celebrations. People who work in different organizations receive greetings from their co-workers and bosses. They also send warm wishes on this occasion to others. It is a tradition to wish each other happiness. People would use Eid cards and letters to send prayers and wishes to each other. Now, with the advent of technology, sending an email has become a new normal. This email is an indication that the company or the manager has not forgotten their employees on the day…

Sick Absence Email to Professor

Students often have to miss their classes willingly or unwillingly due to many reasons. Education institutions, as well as teachers, usually don’t accept an excessive number of absentees from class. Due to this, institutes have many policies to tackle this situation. Students also know that if they remain absent from class, they will have to face the consequences. So, they should communicate with their teacher to inform him about the reason for their absence. What is an email to a professor due to illness? Students communicate with their professors and let them know the reason behind not attending the class.…

Strong Email for Delayed or Incomplete Work

Email Sample -1 Dear [NAME], I hope you find this email in the best of health and high spirits. This email is about project no. (#). The project was contracted on [DATE] and it was to be initiated on [DATE] according to the project agreement meeting held on [DATE]. Later, I received an email from your Project Manager, Mr./Ms. [NAME] expressing the regret on the behalf of the company for not being able to kick off the project due to certain internal problems of the company. According to the email, it was indicated the project shall be initiated on [DATE]…

Strong Email for Delay of Work

Whenever your client has decided to work with you and assigned you a project for successful completion, he will judge you and your team’s performance based on two parameters: The budget you take to complete the work and the time you take in delivering the project. Every person who wants to demonstrate himself as a responsible person who can meet the requirements of his client knows how important it is to not delay the work. This is the reason; most of the individuals and companies dread delivering the project slate and making his credibility question. Unfortunately, some people don’t take…

Email to Ex-Boss for Job Opportunities

What is Email to Ex-boss for work opportunity? An email to the ex-boss for the job opportunities is an email that is written by an ex-employee of an organization and is addressed to the employer of that organization. The purpose of this email is to seek any vacancies in the previous organization, one has worked in, and rejoin the old organization, to make the hiring and employment smooth and easy. When an individual is searching for a job opportunity, he often deems to contact his previous employers, to see if any vacancies are available. The employers may consider rehiring an…

Email to Former Employer for Unpaid Salary

An email to the former employer for the unpaid salary after leaving the job is an email, that is written and sent by an ex-employee, and is addressed to his/her former employer. In this email, the individual highlights that he has not received his last salary or any due salary and requests the former employer to release his money. It is a formal email, that is sent to the formal email address of the former employer, and any other related individual can be kept in the loop. When a person leaves a job, it is not necessary that all his…

Labor Day Holiday Notice & Emails

What is a Labor Day holiday notice? A Labor Day holiday notice is a notice that informs the concerned party about the holiday that is being given in respect of the laborers and the recognition of their work. This notice can be issued by the employer, educational institution, government agency, etc. Where the addresser varies, the addressee can include different stakeholders as well, the examples of which can be employees, customers, students, etc.  As Labor Day is celebrated to acknowledge the hard work of the laborers, they are usually given one or a few holidays to show respect to them…

Christmas Office Hours Email

A Christmas office hours email is an email that is sent/generated by the CEO or the management of an organization. This email can be of two types. One sort is addressed to the employees to inform them about the office hours during Christmas time. While the purpose of notification remains the same, the other type of email is addressed to the customers of the organization. Organizations, sometimes, alter the office hours when Christmas is approaching, so as to lessen the burden of their employees in the most-awaited and delighted time of the year. If the office hours get reduced, it…

Festival Greeting Emails

#1 Re: Christmas Greetings and Prepossessed Delights of New Year Eve Dear Employees, this writing enthusiastically wishes you all to stay safe and healthy during these perilous times of COCID-19 and along with this wish, we would take advantage of this moment in greeting you a very happy Christmas Eve followed by New Year’s Eve. This season is always marked as the most significant of all the times as we take this occasion for a prolonged fiesta and time of great relief. The time of enjoying the snow, Christmas lights, and bright lights faded by the hail which is marked…

Sorry Email to Boss for Rude Behavior

Sorry email for rude behavior is a document written by an employee in which he/she accepts his mistake of being rude with another individual at the workplace and promises not to repeat the same action again. It may be highlighted in the letter that if the same action repeated a strict disciplinary action can be taken against the employee. This email is a formal apology in regard to a past unethical action which a worker or any other employee performed. Bad behavior in a professional environment always triggers complications. It risks a person’s job. This may lead to end up…

Email to Hotel Management for Cancellation of Event

A cancellation letter/email can be written to any organization informing the termination of an upcoming event, a product that was delayed, a service that wasn’t up to the mark, or any cancellation of an appointment. Here is an example of event cancellation email, written to communicate the termination of an upcoming event by simply writing to the hotel management. A person can fall in any appointment or he may undergo an accident, leading him to cancel certain important events of his life. In that case, communication can resolve all your conducts, and writing a formal email will not only show…

Sick Leave Emails for Various Reason

Sick Leave Email to Boss for Typhoid Sir, I am Sherman Alexander, the Project Manager at SDN Group of Textiles. It is stated that I am unable to make my presence sure in tomorrow’s meeting with the new contractors as I am on leave tomorrow and the two days next. I am suffering from typhoid and the doctor has suggested a few more examination tests and proper rest. Due to the crucial times of the company, I know that my prolonged absence can destabilize many ongoing tasks that is why I am taking only three days’ leave from work despite…

Less Salary Credited Email to HR

This is the email that is sent by an employee to the HR department or directly to the employer after he has received less salary than the negotiated one at the time of signing the contract. Receiving less salary creates sometimes a lot of problems for employees because they have limited and fixed expenses each month. Therefore, less salary can disturb the whole financial circle of the employee. This particular email format has been designed for the same purpose so as to fix the problem by concerned authorities. How is it beneficial? Instead of forwarding an oral request, it is…

Eid Holiday Announcement Emails

The holiday season is approaching, and everyone is planning how to spend this time. Eid is a time of joy and being thankful. Businesses, companies, as well as entrepreneurs, need to announce holidays to employees according to their contracts. Everyone waits for this time to relax with loved ones. One way to inform employees of the Eid holiday is through email. What is an Eid holiday announcement email to employees? An Eid holiday announcement email to employees is an email sent out to all the employees of an organization. This email states how many holidays the staff has for Eid.…

Email to Boss to Excuse from Meeting

Attending office meetings are part of a job. There may be situations when you were occupied due to some personal work and could not attend the meeting. The reasons are unlimited for example, attending your kid’s school for a parent-teacher meeting, attending a funeral, having a doctor’s appointment, or bad weather. The situations are uncertain and sometimes unavoidable that puts a halt on your workplace activities. In a situation when you were occupied and could not attend the office meeting it is good to write to your boss an excuse letter. Writing an excuse letter is a formal way of…

Work Completion Email to Boss

Work completion email is sent by an employee to his employer to inform him that the project has been completed within time. In many agencies, these kinds of emails are sent to clients to be kept in record and to inform that the assigned work has been completed within the time frame. Completing work on time, making it error-free, and meeting the deadlines are characteristics of an active and committed person. This is also an indication of their sincerity and reflection of their commitment. Such employees usually remain in the good book of their employers. Employers want to be in…

Email to Postpone Meeting due to COVID-19

Sample Email -1 To all staff members, it is hereby to inform you that the meeting that was arranged tomorrow for the company’s new policy discussion has been postponed. As we all know COVID-19 is all around and the company is deciding to allow work from home. Therefore, the CEO has canceled the meeting for the time being. Whole team members are requested to stay in touch via phones and emails. Moreover, all must be online on time according to official requirements. Hope all of you will cooperate. Do your work at home and try to submit on time to…

Absence Email to Professor

#1 I am writing this to inform you that I was unable to attend your class today due to my severe health problems. Regretfully, I have come down with high fever, cough and the flu. As you know that the weather is changing and my condition is severe, so my doctor advised me to take rest for 4-5 days. It would be a great favor if you provide me with notes of a good student so, I could cover the material of your lectures that I missed. I would be very grateful to you for this kindness. #2 Hi, I…

Disciplinary Action Email for Disrespect

#1 Yesterday I received a complaint from the manager on disrespect behavior. I first didn’t notice as I never got such an issue from your side. But today in the morning I saw and heard an abusive language that you were using for the manager. It was quite non-tolerable. I really astonished as I always thought you are a decent guy who knows how to behave in office. But your, today’s behavior convinced me to warn you. Although I am not assigning a strict punishment for you. I will deduct one week’s salary so you will be careful by doing…