Christmas Office Hours Email

A Christmas office hours email is an email that is sent/generated by the CEO or the management of an organization. This email can be of two types. One sort is addressed to the employees to inform them about the office hours during Christmas time. While the purpose of notification remains the same, the other type of email is addressed to the customers of the organization.

Organizations, sometimes, alter the office hours when Christmas is approaching, so as to lessen the burden of their employees in the most-awaited and delighted time of the year. If the office hours get reduced, it becomes easy for the employees to spend time with their family and friends, do shopping, attend parties, etc. Usually, the employees are informed about any changes in the office hours through an email generated by the administration of the organization.

As far as the customers are concerned, it is also important to notify them about the changed working hours of the organization. If the customers are informed about the altered hours, it would create a good impression on them about the company, and they would believe that the company cares about its customers’ time. Secondly, the customers would be aware of the timings of the availability of the company’s services for them.

Although the information in both emails varies because of the different addressees, the general details that are included in a Christmas office hours email are:

  • Date of the email.
  • The sender of the email.
  • Company logo/brand name.
  • The addressee of the email.
  • Information regarding the changed hours.
  • The reason behind the modification.
  • The time period through which the email is applicable.
  • Facilitations and leverages through the period.
  • Any other important information.
  • Salutations, Christmas wishes, and signature.

This email is a formal communication from the organization, and hence, can be relied on. Therefore, the email not only serves the purpose of formal notification but also provides valid information to the addressee of the email.

Sample Christmas Office Hours Email

Dear employees,

As Christmas is approaching, we understand that our employees need some off-time. Due to the prevalent financial crisis, our company had to unintendedly cut the number of Christmas holidays. Although this situation is uncontrollable for us right now, we are still trying to facilitate our biggest asset in the best possible way. Therefore, we have decided that till the holidays start on 24th December 20XX, the office hours will be shortened till 3:00 p.m. This email is applicable from 10th December till 23rd December 20XX.

The administration would also generate an email for our customers so that you do not have to worry about replying to the emails after working hours. All the returns, queries or complaints would also be dealt with only in the office hours.

The access to the office systems is also being restricted for this period till 3 p.m. If access to the internal system is required after the working hours, an email to the technical department needs to be generated by the employee one day before.

We wish you a joyful Christmas time! Merry Christmas!


Steven John.

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