A new hiring proposal is a document that is created by the people interested in the vacant position that the company has. When a company has a vacancy, it publishes an ad letting everyone know about the vacancy. The company also publishes the eligibility criteria as well as the basic requirements for the candidate to fulfill the company’s requirements. When a candidate fulfills the requirements, he can write a proposal to the company to let it know about his interest in the vacant position.
Tips for writing a new hiring proposal:
A new hiring proposal requires a professional-looking format as well as a well-designed structure so that the sender can ensure that his proposal will be accepted. For this purpose, here are some basic tips that can be followed:
1. Describe your skills
Write a proposal in such a way that you can make the recipient feel that you are selling yourself and your skills. You need to know about all the skills a vacant position requires. When you have all those required skills and you feel that you can meet the expectations of the potential employer, you should enlist all your skills and sell them.
2. Stay concise throughout the proposal
All those to whom you are going to write a new-wear proposal are advised to keep the proposal on one page. When you keep the proposal concise, you give the impression that you value your and other people’s time. Keeping the proposal brief requires the proposal writer to talk about only those specifics that are necessary for the employer to know. In this way, he can impress the employer.
3. Use titles, subheadings, and bullet points
When you write a proposal, make it easy for your boss to read your proposal and your intentions to write it. Writing the subheadings and titles in the proposal enables the potential employer to review the entire proposal quickly. When he finds it easy to read the proposal, he is more likely to accept it.
Format of the new hire proposal
The proposal should include the following details:
- Name of the company where new hiring is being carried out
- Name of the owner who will be entertaining the new hire proposals
- Salutation
Body of the proposal letter
The body of the proposal should start by telling the potential employer that you have read the advertisement for the vacancy in the company. Tell the employer that you have all the skills that your company needs to grow and move forward.
Mention all your basic and professional details
End of the proposal
The end of the proposal should include the contact details of the person writing it. These details are provided so that the potential employer can contact the sender of the proposal if he needs it. You can also thank your potential employer for allowing you to apply for the vacant post.
Sample Letters
I am writing to propose the hiring of a new employee to fill the XYZ position in our department. The team is unable to manage the increased workload. Filling in the mentioned position will be a much needed helping hand that will enhance our efficiency.
I, therefore, recommend to begin the recruiting process as soon as possible. We require an individual with ABC qualifications and a hands-on experience of at least 5 years in the field. Relevant skills, including (specifications of the skills) will be a bonus.
I kindly request you to approve the proposal so that we go can ahead with the hiring process.
Looking forward to your response.
I am writing to propose the hiring of new editors for our content management team. Since our client base is growing, we need at least two new editors to handle to the increased workload. The additional support will help us maintain the quality of our work and manage timely deliveries.
I have already shortlisted a few suitable candidates for the position. They have the required skills and potential to come up to our expectations. Please find enclosed further details about them.
Looking forward to your approval and suggestions.

Letter File: 46 KB
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