Change of Bank Account Letter to Manager

Sometimes you may have to change your bank account. This can be due to many reasons, such as better services in another bank, better charges by other banks, higher interest rates in an existing bank account, poor customer service, lack of value-added services and smart services, moving to another location, lack of ATMs or branches nearby, etc.

Another reason could also be that you already have more than one bank account and wish to close one of them and keep only one. Thus, you choose to keep the card with the best overall facilities and service.

When you choose to close an account, you may want to notify places where you are actively using your bank card. For example, you might want to inform HR at your office that your bank account details have changed. Alternatively, you could write a letter to your manager.

You might also want to notify any other organization or individual that makes payments to you on the existing account that you have decided to close. Here is a sample of what to write when informing your manager:

Sample Letter 1

Dear Mr. John,

I am writing this letter to notify you of a change in my bank account for a salary transfer. I want to request changes in your records and that my salary be credited to my new account this month, i.e., September 20XX.

According to your records, my salary was credited every month to my ABC bank account (account number). However, I had been experiencing many different problems with ABC Bank for around a year. Their online services are limited and frequently unavailable. Their ATM system is faulty, and I often cannot withdraw money because their system is down. I am a salaried person with limited income and often do not have cash in hand. Therefore, I have closed this account and opened a new one at XYZ Bank.

Following are my new details:

Name of the bank: [XYZ]
Name of Account holder: Emily Watson
Account number: [Acc. No.]
Branch code: [Code]

As the closing procedure would take some time and my salary is due in a few days, I do not want to face any transfer issues, which is why I am informing you beforehand through this letter. I would be highly obliged if you made the changes to your records. Thank you in advance.

If you want any further details, please contact me at [Contact].


Emily Watson.

Change of Bank Account Letter to Manager

Sample Letter -2

Dear Mr. Yong,

I am writing this letter to request a change of bank account in your records. I want to request that my salary be credited to my new account this month, i.e., February 20XX.

I had a salary account in ABC Bank (Account Number), which had been operational for the past five years. My salary was transferred every month to this account. The bank has increased their charges for salary accounts by 10 percent, which cuts a major part of my salary unnecessarily. When I experienced this, I looked for other options and found that no other banks had such high charges.

I have closed my account at ABC Bank and opened a new account at XYZ Bank. Following are the new details:

Name of the bank: XYZ
Name of Account holder: George Smith
Account number: [Acc. No.]
Branch code: [Code]

Kindly change the details of my bank account in your records so that no issue regarding salary transfers arises. I would be highly grateful to you. If you want any other information, feel free to contact me at [Contact]


George Smith

Change of Bank Account Letter to Manager

Sample Letter -3


Subject: Change of bank account details

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I have applied to close my current account number [enter account number] with [bank name]. The reason was that I had three accounts, which were more than I needed. I decided to close the account with the fewest services as compared to other accounts.

My new account details are as follows:

A/C title:
A/C number:
Branch code:
A/C type:

Kindly make the relevant changes in my account file so that my future salary payments can be made to the new account.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Change of Bank Account Letter to Manager