Parent Teacher Conference Feedback Form

The parent’s teacher conference is very important to keep track on the performance as well as the growth of the child. It is of major concern for both parents and teacher to know about the strengths and the weaknesses of the child.

When parents of the child meet the teacher, they can share their concerns about the child with each other and can devise some methods that can be implemented for the betterment of the child. This is possible only when both teachers and parents have a good coordination with each other.

Although the parents are asked to meet the teacher of their child whenever they want, the annual or quarterly conference is also arranged in educated institutes where the parents are invited to come to share their views and concerns about the school as well as their child.

What is parent-teacher conference feedback form?

The parent-teacher conference feedback form is a formal document which is used by the school management to get the feedback from the parents. The parents are asked to provide their feedback through this form in a systematic and organized way.

The feedback is very important for both parents and teacher. The school not only comes to know about the flaws in its performance but it also knows about the areas where the children and the teachers need serious improvement.

How to create the feedback form?

There is a number of ways in which the feedback form can be prepared. A simple feedback form contains the field for collecting the issues and concerns of the parents. These forms also compel the parents to provide the suggestions about solving the issue they are facing.

A comprehensive and more professional looking feedback form contains series of questions that the parents are asked to answer. The form can ask the parents to tell what they have learned from the conference.

They can tell what they did not like about the conference and what are the areas in which the schools need to bring the improvement. If you are not sure about the format, the readymade template given here can be downloaded.

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Parent Teacher Conference Feedback Form


Parent Teacher Conference Feedback Form Template

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