Excuse Letter for not Attending PTM in School

Some situations may arise leading to you not being able to attend a parent-meeting meeting, or PTM, at your child’s school. To look polite and concerned, you can write an excuse letter for not being able to attend the PTM.

Your contact will remain with the school as long as your children are there, You, therefore, do not want to give the impression that you are not concerned with what is going on at school. This carefree attitude may be shown if you miss a PTM.

Therefore, it is better to apologize to limit the harm caused by not attending the PTM. You may also request to have an update concerning what the meeting encompassed.

Tips for writing an excuse letter for not attending PTM in school

  1. You can start off by writing the date.
  2. Leave some space and state the name of the recipient, their official title, the name of the school, as well as the address of the school.
  3. Leave some space and start off with “Dear…”
  4. Start off by requesting the recipient accept your apology for not attending the PTM. You can state the date the precise meeting was held.
  5. In the next paragraph, you can explain your name and relationship to the concerned student. Type the class of the student. Tell me why you were not able to attend.
  6. Do not explain in detail and continuously why you were not able to attend. Keep it brief.
  7. In the next paragraph, you can humbly request a private conference. This will show your concern. State that the recipient can freely contact you when they are free. State your address, email, and phone number so they can contact you.
  8. End with a sentence thanking them for considering your case.
  9. End with “Thank you” and your name along with the signature.

You do not want to give the impression that you do not care about your child’s education. Therefore, when you miss a PTM, it is better to excuse yourself and request another meeting. PTMs are important as they may tell how your child is functioning at school. Therefore, these meetings may be vital to attend.


Thanks for being the best teacher a student can have.

I am a very keen parent and always have eyes and ears to my children and their performances. But as you know, I am a working mom who should juggle her professional as well personal lives. Looking after two kids is a real challenge sometimes.

As you know, I always attend the parent’s teacher meetings. I was looking forward to the meeting this time as well. However, my little one got sick with a fever and I had to carry her to the doctor. Due to this, I had to skip the meeting with you. Please let me know about your availability during this week. I will make sure to meet you and discuss your concerns regarding my child.



Excuse Letter for not Attending PTM in School

Letter Template

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Re. Excuse for Not Attending Parent-Teachers Meeting Held on [date]

Dear Principal, I am [name], from [mention the address and area precisely]. I am the mother of [name your son/ daughter], who is a student in grade IV at your school. He has been studying at your school since his playgroup. We always loved your school, its teacher, its teaching methodologies, and other policies.

My husband is living in [mention the city] for his work. He has been there for four months. Due to his absence, I have to take care of everything by myself. His stay in [city name] was extended due to his professional commitments. Due to my job, it has become very difficult for me to be a single parent.

There has been sheer stress on me due to the excessive workload. I have three kids to watch. All of them study in different schools due to differences in their grades.

Therefore, I missed the parent-teacher meeting (PTM) arranged by the school. I understand that the school arranges PTMs with great effort. I hope you can schedule another meeting of mine with the class head teacher of my son.

If it is possible, please let me know the schedule, so that I can discuss a few things related to [name of the son] with the teacher. Also, I want my husband to attend the meeting too; therefore, I request that you arrange it no earlier than [date]. 

I am looking forward to hearing from you.



Re. Letter of Excuse for Missing the PTM on [date]

Dear [name],

I am [name], a teacher of [subject] in your school]. I joined recently on [date]. I have been regular and punctual. I abide by all the rules and regulations of the school. The most inappropriate thing happened previously which necessitate my leave from school. I am very embarrassed about my unauthorized leave which must have caused inconvenience for you and other staff members.

Sir, on [date], I was feeling very low at work too. When I got home after completing preparations for the next day’s parent-teacher meeting (PTM), my throat soared. I took medication and started doing some home remedies to alleviate the pain and illness. I had been looking forward to the PTM, and I did everything in my power to make it to the meeting. I made all the preparations to keep everything in place.

I could not attend the meeting because of illness. I have attached my medical prescription dated [date] to support my statement. At the moment, I am unable to come to school for three days as per the doctor’s prescription.

I will attend school once I get fit for work. I can do anything from home in my capacity for three days. Please find attached the prescription from my doctor and the test report by [name of the hospital].

Looking forward to your kind response.
