Directive Letter to Submit Report

In organizations, professional letters are used as a source of communication between the management and the staff. These letters not only make a solid communication between two parties, but they also keep a record of the information that has transferred between two parties.

With the advancement in the field of science and technology, the letter has become an older way of communication. However, it is not completely obsolete.

What is a directive letter?

The organization writes a directive letter to its employees to give them different directions. Most of the organizations use directive letters when they must delegate different tasks to their employees. However, it is not the sole purpose of writing the directive letter.

A company can also write a directive letter to its employees when it wants to get the report of the task assigned to the employee. These letters are used at different levels in different departments of the company.

Tips for writing the letter to submit a report:

Here are a few tips which can help you draft a professional directive letter to your employees.

  1. The letter should be written in a professional tone.
  2. Make sure that the language you use in the letter is perfect without any grammatical error or punctuation mistake that can create confusion.
  3. The ambiguous details in the letter should be avoided. If there is any confusion, it should be clarified.
  4. Many employers want to get the update about the assigned work. For this, they ask the employee to provide the paperwork or report.
  5. The letter should provide the details of the work that was assigned in case the employer has assigned multiple tasks. This enables the employee to understand the paperwork or report of which assigned work is being demanded.
  6. The employee should be given the date in the directive letter by which he is responsible to submit the report.

Report submission is the most important task to be handled by the employee. Most of the organizations measure the performance of the employee on how quickly the employee submits the requested report.

Sample Letters


As we approach the end of the month, it’s time for the submission of our monthly progress report. Please make sure you include all important details including the project milestones achieved this month.

This report should be submitted by the 25th of this month and sent directly to the XYZ department.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


This is to inform you that the data for the XYZ report has been mailed to you. Please follow the attached template for formatting. Finalize the report by the end of this week and ensure timely submission. You must seek approval before making any amendments.

The final submission date is 12th of July, 20XX. We look forward to your response.


I would like to provide a quick reminder to you that the Financial Analysis Report is due on the 30th of June, 2024. Don’t forget to include the following information:

  • The organization’s expense breakdown
  • Revenue analysis
  • Profit and loss statement
  • Cash flow statement

In case of any data discrepancies, inform me promptly. The report must be ready for submission within the provided deadline.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


We are writing to follow up on our request for the Annual Performance Report. We need the document by the earliest in order to start working on our yearly employee evaluation for this session’s salary increments.

Please include all information as directed initially. Also highlight each employee’s weaknesses and areas for improvement.

Make sure the report is submitted no later than the 30th of May. We would appreciate timely submission due to the management’s requirement.


This is to provide important directives regarding our Market Analysis Report based on the research conducted last month. This report is crucial to help us start working on our new line of products.

Please ensure that the report covers a comprehensive analysis of the market trends and current customer demands. We also need an evaluation of our main competition in the market. Kindly make sure there are no discrepancies and errors. Double-check the findings with the R&D department before finalizing the report.

This document is needed by the 15th of March in order to start working on the next phase of your production plan. We look forward to timely submission.


As announced before, the new project has kick-started before the decided time. This means we will have to work hard to meet all the deadlines.

Every employee must know their respective deadlines and work accordingly. If any employee feels that they will not be able to meet the deadline, they should notify the management and discuss beforehand.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of delivering this project. Therefore, I will be monitoring the progress of the project personally. Please feel free to get familiar with the supervisors and the job descriptions.

Directive letter to submit report

Letter File Sample