Re. Promotion Letter w.r.t. Order No. [abc-123] as per Performance Based Scheduled Promotions 2023
Dear Mr. [Name], this letter has been attached with notification no. [abc-123] and order no. [abc-123] to inform you of the promotion, new job title, change in the nature of the work, work directions, reporting dimensions, and reporting heads. You are asked to acknowledge the receipt of this letter by sending an email to the Department of Human Resource Management.
First, I congratulate you on being promoted to [new job title]. New titles bring motivation, excitement, work enthusiasm, and new responsibilities. With the change of designation, many other things change. With the new job title, it is meant that you are no longer a supervisor to the [name the department]. Your new designation is [mention the job title] which will be effective from tomorrow, i.e. [date].
In the capacity of [new job title], you will report directly to the General Manager and Director of the organization. You will stay associated with the major structural and non-structural changes within and outside the organization. With the new job title, you will be given a promotional remuneration of $[xx] one time with the salary of [month]. However, your salary with this designation has been signed to be $[XX].
This promotion is solely performance-based and does not include time spent in the organization or seniority. Also, the promotion has been done according to the Employees Promotion Laws point [iv-b]. The performance-based promotions are scheduled to be done at the beginning of every new year. However, changes must be done according to the rules and bylaws of the company’s prescribed rules.
In the capacity of [new job title], you will be responsible for continuous reporting to the executives, project supervision, and client relationship management. You will also keep an eye on the latest market trends and keep instructing the research team for compliance.
According to the company’s policy, if you might not comply with the new rules and work to achieve new goals coming with the promotion, the promotion will be repudiated and held. Therefore, it is asked to study your designation thoroughly. For more, you can discuss it with our former [job title] to know more about your responsibilities and tools of the profession.
Meticulous consideration has been given to the promotion notice and letter of promotion. However, if any of the required information is missing, do not hesitate to ask questions. Thank you.

Letter File 55 KB
Sample -2
Re. Promotion Letter
Dear [Name],
I am very happy to inform you that you have been promoted to the [new designation] effective from [date]. Your promotion is based on your five years of working with great diligence, honesty, and industriousness. Your promotion has been notified by the department of Planning and Development as according to the new designation, you will work under the [mention the head].
After the promotion is effective, you will work in close association with General Manager, Project Director, Senior Director of Planning and Development, and Directorate of Project Management and Research. To enhance your acquaintance the company calls you to meet the relevant personalities on a hi-tea at [mention the venue] on [date] at [time].
You are advised to work in coordination with [new supervisor] to discuss ongoing projects and details on working as a supervisor. Please hand him over all the relevant data including office files, laptop, and office equipment before [date].
As a [new designation] your salary will be $[XX] including all the allowances and remunerations. You will be given $[x] as an amount of promotion and bonus through cheque along with your [month] salary.
Please ask if you have any questions, otherwise, acknowledge the letter by writing an email to [email address]. I hope you will show the same diligence and professionalism as you always did. Thank you.
[signature & date]

Letter File 55 KB
See also:
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee