Companies and businesses function through the continuous efforts of their employees that can reach hundreds in number within a multinational company. All the employees are specified to perform their duties and are assigned ranks based on their qualifications and experience. Every company follows a set of rules to entertain their clients and abide by them strictly if the number of employees is greater.
Companies hire employees in a contractual format and when their work is done, they are either asked to leave or assigned a new project based on their performance in the previous projects. Some employees work on a project basis while others are permanent. Their work mode depends on the input that they can provide to the project and the overall company’s progress.
Most of the employees working in contractual mode are provided with work completion certificates after their work with the company is completed. These certificates notify the completion of the project and the assistance of the employee as well. These are official documents and are signed off by the higher administration of the company.
Certificate types…
Work completion certificates can be of various types depending on the experience of the employee and the work required. Some of the types are mentioned below,
- Construction work completion [see samples]
- Project completion certificate [see samples]
- Plumbing work completion
- Electrical work completion certificate
See also
Request letter for work completion certificate
Information on the document…
Contents of work completion certificates are basic and serve the purpose of providing detailed information on the finished project. Contents of certificates remain the same regardless of the type of certificate. Minor changes can be done but the overall template of the certificate is simple and official. It includes the following contents,
- Name of the company
- Name of department
- Contact information (phone, email)
- Name of employee
- Certification
- Name of the project
- Major details of the project (work required, budget, salary)
- Project completion period
- Signature of contractor or administrator
Significance of the certificate…
Work completion certificates can prove beneficial in various ways therefore, their significance can never be ignored,
- It signifies the completion of a project i.e.; employees can look for other projects and stop giving time and effort to it
- These certificates improve the worth of the resume after they are added under the section of experience. Big projects on a resume can change the overall narrative in any selection interview
- Working on different projects with different team members assist in boosting confidence as well as experience
- Most of the contractors pay for the dies of employees after they have received their work completion certificate
- Signing new projects with different companies, it is important to submit the certificate of previous project completion in order to focus on a single project and company
File designs…
Designs of work completion certificates are simple as they only serve the purpose of providing information that the following project is completed and the employee is free to work elsewhere. A template can be downloaded from the Internet and used after filling in the required information.
Moreover, special templates can be downloaded and then used by filling the required field. Many companies also hire designers to design customized certificates which are then presented to employees.
Sample Templates

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad
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File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad
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File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad
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