Warning Letter for Rude Behavior with Manager


Re. Warning Letter for Rude and Unprofessional Behavior

Dear Mr. [Name], I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter with the intent to warn you on behalf of the company’s senior administration and human resources joint management that rude behavior with your colleagues especially with seniors may result in the form of a serious penalty including demotion and eventual termination.

With this letter, it is informed that the importance of nice behavior and professional communication with your colleagues cannot be compromised and tolerated. Hence, you are required to read this letter carefully and submit an answer/response to the senior human resource manager within two working days.

It is complained to the Department of Employees Affairs and Management that you have been behaving rudely and carrying an unprofessional communication way with your colleagues. Referring to two subsequent events in the recent past, it is informed that you have been behaving rudely with your manager. Our company has a set policy for employees’ behavior to ensure an optimistic, pleasant, and professional environment. We believe that a good working environment yields proactivity, efficiency, and productivity. Therefore, there is no tolerance for those who damage or spoil such an environment.

As I also believe that everyone has a fair reason to do something, I expect you to write a response to this letter. It can be an apology or an ample explanation so that a formal inquiry into the matter can be carried on. Moreover, I remind you that seniority should be respected. Your manager(s) or supervisor(s) are your senior and we expect you to regard their seniority, respect their point of view, and take their advice with humility.

Our company ensures a smooth and productive working environment by cutting out the harms or damages that can hinder an inclusive and respectful working ambiance. In case you do not act according to the company’s policy and mind your behavior with your colleagues, the administration can take strict disciplinary measures against you according to the policy book.

I hope you will not be rude to your colleagues and regard your seniors for their opinions and advice. Thank you!


[Your Name]

Warning Letter for Rude Behavior with Manager

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Re. Warning Letter for Rude Behavior

[Mr. /Ms. Name],

As cited above, the letter is written to warn you of your rude behavior with your manager. It is complained that you have a difficult and rude attitude towards your senior manager. It is informed that you do not pay heed to the informed instructions and said advice. Also, you have been found disrespectful and rude to your manager witnessed by your other coworkers.

We have investigated the matter carefully and found out that you have behaved rudely with your manager. As found guilty of the act, the letter intends to warn you of further actions of bad behavior or rude demeanor.

Please understand that our seniors are our assets as they are more experienced and have spent more time in the field. We as a team always try our best to make them feel regarded and heard. In case of a difference of opinion, one should stay respectful while sharing their point of view. You should pay heed to the advice of your manager and try to implement their instructions in your work. We do not support unilateral standpoints and also respect innovation at work but it should be respectful and in the best possible way.

Disrespecting your seniors and not listening to them make you an unprofessional and irresponsible employee. Such behavior is not tolerated by the company’s administration. We suggest you immediately amend your demeanor as otherwise, it can cause unpleasant consequences in the shape of disciplinary measures against you as ordained in the company’s policy.

Such unprofessional and rude behavior can cause various disciplinary measures that include fines, salary deductions, demotion, or temporary or permanent suspension from work. Therefore, I would suggest you mend your behavior with the manager and adopt a good demeanor and professional attitude towards your coworkers. If you have an adequate explanation for your behavior, you can visit my office during office meeting hours. You can also write to me at [Email Address] if you have any questions or response to this letter.

I hope you will show concern for this warning and correct your behavior with your colleagues. As you are a hardworking and dedicated employee, we do not want you to be responsible for any damage to the company’s working environment. Thank you!

Best Regards,

[Your Name]


Warning Letter for Rude Behavior with Manager

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