termination letter

Dismissal Letter Template

Not all employees are potential as well as suitable at the same time. Some people just don’t suit your business. Even if they’re honest, they might not be skillful enough. At other times, you accidentally hire some professional, skilled but dishonest people. In both conditions, you have no choice but to say goodbye to such employees if you are concerned about your business. Since businesses require everything professional, they also require professional wrath from you. The process of dismissal is tricky. With a bad ‘’goodbye’’, you can invite rivalry from your ex-employee who might know the business secrets, can get…

Letter of Termination due to Poor Performance

A letter of termination is sent to the person for non-performance and who is being terminated from his job or duty due to his/her poor performance in the company. These letters are strict and explain the reason for the termination. An employee that fails to meet the productivity expectations of the company and is bad for a company’s bottom line then a termination letter is issued to him. A termination letter is given with an exit interview and is the proper way to end the unproductive relationship. Commonly, employee terminations are handled at a termination meeting and a witness is…

Employment Termination Form

Employing an individual in an organization is a difficult and cumbersome process. A lot of money and effort is spent to recruit a person with the matching skills and qualifications needed for a particular job description. As soon as the employee is made part of the team, he is given an agreement to sign that contains all the terms and conditions of doing the job in that organization. These rules and regulations may include the following elements: Among the important clauses, the most important element is about employment termination. What is an employment termination form? An employment termination form is…