If you want to get rid of your credit card account then you can send a letter requesting closure of the credit account in your name. No matter what the reason is, if you are looking to close your account you can simply write a letter to the bank. You should never close a credit card account that has a balance on it, closing your oldest credit card or closing your only credit card will have a negative impact on your credit score.
If you want to close your credit account then you will have to do two things
Call customer service
You can find the contact of customer service on the back of your credit card or it can also be written on a recent bill. Call that number, note the date and time, and ask customer service to close your credit account. They may persuade you not to close your account but you should stand firm.
Submit a letter requesting closure of the account
After the call, you can also write a letter for the closure of an account. This will help you to close your credit account. You should always keep a copy of the closure letter in your records. If you want to close your account for a certain period of time then do mention the date that signifies how long you want to close your account.
Letter Requesting Closure of Credit Account
This letter is my formal announcement that I am withdrawing my credit card account with your company [MENTION NAME] active instantaneously. Please close the subsequent account in my name:
Name on Card: [Name Here]
Account Number: [Enter Account Number]
I must close my account on the urgent basis due to some unforeseen reasons. Kindly send me
You can straight contact me via email or phone at the
Thank you for your rapid consideration in this problem.
Credit Card Cancellation Letter
I want to confirm you with this written note that due to some subjective whys and wherefores I am afraid that I won’t be using a credit card for an uncertain period. Therefore, I bid you cancel my credit card under this number [MENTION NUMBER] active immediately.
The last transaction that I accredited on this card was at [MENTION ALL THE NEEDED DETAILS including venue, date, and the amount you withdrew]. I have also attached a document in which every detail has been given since I first used the credit card till the date.
I will be highly grateful to you if you make a swift response.
Letter to Close Credit Card Account Permanently
This letter serves you as a written notice that I am quitting my credit card account from your bank [MENTION NAME] permanently effective immediately. The reason behind this sudden decision is [STATE REASON IN DETAIL].
That is why I request you to please close the following account under the number mentioned below:
Account Number: [Enter Account Number]
The most recent transaction I approved on this account was at [MENTION NAME OF STORE\SHOP] on [MENTION DATE] in the amount of $[MENTION AMOUNT].
Also, please direct me a printed validation letter that my account has been locked.
Thank you for your courtesy in this matter.
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