Failure to Follow Instructions at Work

There are various reasons for issuing a warning letter to employees. The main purpose of writing this letter is to give a wake-up call to employees to let them know that there are some of their responsibilities that are being neglected. When an organization demands its workers to follow all the instruction being given by the supervisor, it is the duty of every employee to follow those instructions.

Failure to follow instructions at work is a letter document issued by the manager or department head to an employee who is failing in following the instructions to complete a task, assignment or a project. The letter is a warning to complete the assigned tasks within a given time.

While writing the warning letter, it should be ensured by the employer that the employee is aware of all the instructions and the penalty that he may have to face due to not following instructions.

What are the tips to write failure to follow instructions at work warning letter?

Following are the tips to write an effective and professional looking warning letter

  1. The tone of the employer while writing the warning letter should be polite instead of threatening. Warning letter speaks itself so using abusing or strict language in the letter is not recommended as it shows the non-professional behavior of the employer.
  2. The letter should not be too lengthy. Since it is a professional letter, it should be briefly written. Add the reasons for issuing the warning letter and the consequences for repeating the same mistake.
  3. If the employee has broken some rules by not following the instructions, you can write those rules again so that the employee can recall them.
  4. Also, write some encouraging lines to build up a strong relationship with the employee. It also increases the productivity.

It should be kept in mind that the warning letters are not written to admonish the employees. They are written to avoid all such circumstances that have caused serious inconvenience. Also, write that the company will be compelled to take serious actions against the employee if he repeats this mistake in the future.

The goal of the employer is to get the best outcome from the warning letter. It is not written to admonish or disrespect the employee and the employee should not be given this feeling through the wording of warning letter.

Sample Letters

Warning letter to employee for not following instructions


Warning letter for not following instructions
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Memo on failure to follow instructions


Memo on failure to follow instructions
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