Absence Excuse Email to Boss


January 05, 2020

Mr. Stalin Halker
Infosys Company
786 Main St.
Huston,  WA 43389

Dear Mr.Halker,

I am writing this email as a written notification regarding my absence of seven days that was from 28-11-2019 to 04-12-2019. I was in dire need of it as I had to go on Malaysia tour because my mental condition was not capable enough to devote myself fully to the work and I could not focus on what was happening around me. This was the mandatory tour for me to relax my mind about the extra burden of work; otherwise, I could not continue my work again with full focus.

During this period, I had handed over my project to Mr. Huston as he had a full understanding of my project and was competent enough to handle the task without any kind of difficulty. Actually this was the final part that was left to be carried out by him. In case if it happens again in the future I will inform you before time but for this time I’m sorry for uniformed leave. Hopefully, you will give a kind consideration to this. Moreover, if you demand more information, I’ll provide you all.


 John Adam

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Subject: Absence Excuse

Edirne Hamilton


Chicago IT Consulting Firm
Brooklyn, FG56

Dear Ms. Hamilton,

I am writing this email as written documentation regarding my absence from the office about which I had informed you yesterday that I want to take a leave due to my poor health condition. I am suffering from a brain tumor and I have to go through my brain’s surgery to get full recovery and for this purpose, I need to leave for at least one month. I have attached my doctor’s medical certificate with this email and my leave will start from 12-01-2020 to 12-02-2020. In case I want further leave I’ll inform you, but hopefully, I will join you back on 15-02-2020.

If you want that I should hand over my work to anyone else in the office, you can tell me. I will request Mr. Steve to take control of my work in my absence as when he was on leave I had completed his project and he also knows the condition of my work very well. I hope you will give a kind consideration to my request of the month off.


Mark Steven

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Steve Hawkins
Manchester Main Office
8990 Main Street
Manchester, Valley Stream 89990

Dear Mr. Hawkins,
I would like to request you for a formal leave of absence that will comprise of 15 days from 12-02-2020 to 25-02-2020 and I will return to my work on 26-02-2020. As I had discussed with you earlier that I am going to tie the knot at the start of next month, so, this email is basically a reminder to you about my leave from the office. It’s a lifetime moment of every person and they want to make it memorable with some good moments so I also want to make it a memorable event for me by taking her along with me on Asia tour after marriage.

I would also remain available during this time if you want any assistance from me. You can contact me through emails and I would answer all your queries. If my application gets approved by you, I would like to assist you to tackle my workload during my absence. I am already very pleased about the facilities that you have given to me from my day first in this office till now.

Thank you so much for giving a kind consideration to my request. I hope you will respond to my request to leave positively.


Thomas Hamilton

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January 03, 2020

Stalin Neil
Hardware Company
890 Main St.
Washington,  WA 85040

Dear Mr. Neil,

I would like to request you accept this email as written documentation of my absence that was from 12-12-2019 to 16-12-2019 due to my wife’s death. That day I was getting ready to come to the office that suddenly my wife got cardiac arrest and I had to take her to the hospital to get her proper treatment but as we reached to the hospital she had lost her life. Her death was so shocking to me that I could not retain myself for a few days. It was also breathtaking news for my children and family and I was not in my senses at that time.

All this happened so sudden that I could not inform you on time. I had got your emails at that time but I was not mentally stable to answer them. I hereby submit my apology to you for uninformed absence. As I have come back to the office now, I will devote my full attention to my work and will try my best to complete the projects that were assigned to me. I hope you will give a kind consideration to my request.


Milton Sewell

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Thomas Hardy


QQWE Realtors

Lo Angeles, WE 899000

Dear Mr. Hardy,

I would like to submit my sincere apology to you for my absence that was on 26-12-2019. I could not come to the office that day due to a parent-teacher meeting that was at my son’s school and being a single parent of him it was my duty to meet his teachers as well as his school principal to ask about his class progress and participation in curricular activities. I had decided that after attending the meeting, I will go to the office but I got free very late and the office hours at that time had closed.

It was very necessary for me to attend this meeting because his principal had specially called me to have a look at my son’s yearly progress as during the period of her mother’s death he could not focus properly on his studies and was going down in his performance.

If you have further any query, you can let me know I can provide further information to you.


Jones Rebbeca

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