Leave Application Formats

A leave application is a document written by an employee, a student, or anyone seeking leave and is addressed to the employer, principal, or the person in charge. Sometimes, an individual may need to take time off work, school, etc., for various reasons, and to inform the relevant superior or in-charge about such intent, the individual would write a leave application. In this application, a formal request is made to the relevant party for granting absence to the individual for a certain time from work or school.

Leave applications can be written by people for personal or professional reasons. Some of the types of leave applications that are common are:

  • Application for annual leave.
  • Application for Sick Leave.
  • Application for injury leave.
  • Application for maternity.
  • Application for paternity leave.
  • Application for casual leave.
  • Application for Illness or death of any relative leave.
  • Application for a doctor’s appointment.
  • Application for the dentist’s appointment.
  • Application for vacation leave.
  • Application for half-day leave.

The application formats for different types of leaves may vary from organization to organization and country to country. In addition, with time, the slight changes in the leave application formats also keep occuring. Even though the formats can differ, the general information that needs to be included or is included in the leave application remains the same, which is:

  • Details of the addresser, such as name, contact information, secondary or emergency contact, etc.
  • Details of the addressee.
  • Subject or type of leave application.
  • The reason behind the leave application.
  • Duration of the leave with the dates mentioned.
  • In the case of the employee’s leave application, details of the person who would handle the work in the employee’s absence.
  • The number of allowed and remaining leaves, if applicable.
  • Signature of the addresser for the verification.

As far as the leave application formats for the schools and students are concerned, they are usually the same. However, in the organizations, generally, templates are used for the leave applications. These templates can be designed by the organizations or they can simply use the templates that are available online or in the programs, such as Microsoft Word. The already-designed templates are easily downloadable, usable and customizable as per an organization’s requirements.

In addition, due to the advancements in technology, many organizations now have their attendance software developed through experts. Through this software, the employee can not only record his everyday attendance but request for the leave as well. The employee can also constantly review the number of paid leaves he is allowed to avail from the organization at any point in time.

There are numerous benefits of using the templates or the attendance software, which include:

  • The employee can easily and quickly make the request without writing it every time from scratch.
  • The information needed by the organization would not be missed, which is a possibility in case every employee writes their own version of the leave application.
  • It would be easy for the employer to review a leave application if it is in a generalized format, as time will not be wasted to read each and every word of the application. He can simply review the important details.

The leave application, being a formal request made to the superior, needs to be professional and concise. The candidness or wordiness need to be avoided because, in the practical world, the boss does not want to spend a lot of time on a leave application.

The application for the leave submitted by an employee is kept in the record as a softcopy or in the employee file as a hardcopy, for any future reference.

One Day Leave Applications

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download

Office Casual Leave Applications

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download

Leave Application Letters for Various Reasons

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download

Teacher Leave Application Letters

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download

Leave Application for Few Days Off

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download

Leave Application Forms

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download

Applications for a Month’s Leave

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download

Application for Casual Leave from Office

File: Word (.docx) 2007+ and iPad Size 28 Kb | Download