Cooperative Bank Account Closure Request Letter

Account closing in a bank is a complex process because sometimes it requires a lot of formalities to go through. Many times, we request the bank to close the account and it remains open for a long time. This usually happens when we don’t request to close the account appropriately. 

What is a cooperative bank account closure request letter?

When a customer no longer wants to conduct a transaction through his account in the corporate bank, he can decide to close it. For closing the account, the manager of the bank has to be contacted.

What information should be included in the bank closure request letter?

This letter must contain all the required information that the customer needs to request for the closure of the account. The information displayed on the due cheque as well the information present in the database of the bank as a record of the customer related to account and account balance must be specified in the letter. Although the bank already has this information, when you provide this information to the bank via this letter, you help the bank in confirming the details. 

Tips for writing the account closure letter:

You need to remember the following guidelines before you draft a request letter:

  1. Input all the details in the letter that are useful for the bank to close your account. For example, if you miss out on adding the unique number of the account you want to close, the bank will not be able to close it. So, you should think of the information that must be added.
  2. Many banks use the form that their customers are required to fill and submit when they want the account to be closed. If this form is used, there is no need to write this letter. However, if you still want to write this letter, you can consult the bank for assistance. 
  3. Follow a proper format to make it easy for the reader to comprehend the request. You should know which detail to add. For example, you should add the introductory details at the very beginning of the letter instead of adding them at the end or middle of the letter.
  4. Sometimes, customers close the bank account because they are angry with the bank and its poor services. In that situation, most of the customers choose to like a request letter in which they criticize the bank and openly demonstrate their dissatisfaction. It is recommended not to go beyond certain limits if you want to criticize the bank anyway. However, if you choose to keep this letter only for putting a request, just add a request for closure and simply close the letter. 
  5. The request letter should clearly state that you want the account to be closed. Also mention if you have any amount in your account. You can request the bank to return that amount to you before closing. 

How to write the account closure request?

Mention the name and address of the bank:

This letter is written to the bank and therefore, the name of the bank as well as the branch name, branch number, contact number, and complete address should be mentioned in the letter.

Write subject:

The subject of the letter matters a lot as it gives a reader a hint about the request you have made. Write the subject before addressing the recipient.

Address the manager:

In most banks, this type of request is written to the manager who handles people responsible to manage accounts. You should mention the name of the manager. If you don’t know the name, address the manager with his designation.

Make a formal request:

Start the letter with the formal request to close your bank account and then provide details of that account. If you have a balance in that account, make another request to the manager to send you the cheque of the amount to return the amount present in that account.

Provide your contact details:

At the end of the letter, provide your contact details so that the reader can contact you in case of any query.

Sample Letter

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