Certificate of Pregnancy

The certificate of pregnancy is a MAT B1 form which is issued by the healthcare professionals to the lady who is expecting. The certificate of pregnancy confirms about the pregnancy of a woman. This maternity certificate is of great significance and a medical evidence of pregnancy. It also demonstrates about the baby’s due date.

Healthcare professionals are responsible for filling this document for their patient. The register midwives and doctor get the opportunity to issue this document to the pregnant lady, These medical professionals issue this medical evidence after the 20 weeks of pregnancy.

The working women have to present their pregnancy certificate to the company in order to claim for the maternity benefits. The claims that a lady can make through this maternity form are SMP (Statutory Maternity Pay) and MA (Maternity Allowance). Getting this MAT B1 form is not tough. When an expecting mother reaches to her 20 weeks of pregnancy, then she can get it from the doctor during her visit for a routine checkup. Doctors and midwives are unable to issue the certificate of pregnancy before this duration.

Those ladies who are 20 weeks pregnant and have not received their certificate of pregnancy should demand it from their healthcare professional. It is indeed a worthy document to keep your hands on it. Without having it, you cannot claim for the maternity benefits. After receiving this certificate, you should take a sagacious step which is none other than to make a copy of it. For instance, if you are doing two jobs simultaneously, then you have to submit it at both workplaces. The expecting lady has to submit this certificate of pregnancy 28 days before taking the maternity leave and benefits.

The healthcare professionals, hospitals or clinics who are looking for the most professionally designed certificate of pregnancy can keep their hand on the certificate which is designed by skilled and expert professionals. Download the template provided here and take out as many prints as you want and edit it as per your requirement.

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Certificate of pregnancy


Certificate of Pregnancy Template

File: Word (.doc) 2003+ and iPad 
Size 123 Kb | Download

[Personal Use Only]


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