When an employee’s behavior is not acceptable in the organization, the employer issues a warning letter to the employee.
There are many situations when an employee’s relationship becomes unpleasant with co-workers. Sometimes, that unpleasant relationship results in such acts on the part of the employee, which disregards the job duties and responsibilities of the employee. The employee’s productivity is also reduced when he or she cannot work peacefully with fellow workers.
Sometimes, the misconduct of an employee with co-workers is not very significant. It causes no serious damage to the interests of the employee. In such a case, terminating the employee’s job is not recommended. Many organizations write a warning letter in such a situation so that these kinds of things can be avoided in the future.
Every employee is responsible for maintaining a peaceful environment in the company. However, some employees do not maintain a good relationship with co-workers for many reasons. The warning letter by the employer will alert the employee and he will try to avoid any conflict in the future.
The letter should start with the statement that the employee’s misconduct has become unacceptable and this situation is occurring repeatedly despite multiple verbal warnings.
Moreover, the letter should also specify in the letter that the employee should treat it as a warning from the employer. End the letter with the expectation that the employee will behave well hereafter.
Sample Letters:
We are writing to address an unpleasant incident that took place within the workplace on Thursday, 22nd of March. The management is utterly dismayed that you got into a fight with your teammate, XYZ during your project meeting. This behavior is completely unacceptable.
Let us remind you that our company encourages professionalism. All disagreements must be resolved professionally instead of resorting to fights and discord. This disrupts our work environment and leads to long-term resentment among colleagues. When our employees do not work together in harmony, it affects the overall productivity.
Moreover, disrespectful and hostile behavior towards coworkers goes against the company’s policies. We value an amicable collaboration that leads towards the company’s goals.
We, therefore, urge you to adopt a more respectful behavior towards all of your colleagues in the future. Resolve disagreements professionally. You may involve the management in case of a serious discord instead of resorting to a fight.
Please take this warning letter seriously and avoid unprofessionalism in the future.
We are writing in response to reports received against you and XYZ about a fight that took place within the office premises yesterday. This behavior goes against our policies and is highly discouraged.
The management is, therefore, suspending you and XYZ for three days as a disciplinary action. During this time, we urge you to reflect on your behavior and its consequences. You must resolve all future conflicts and disagreements in a professional and civilized manner.
Please be informed that unprofessional behavior in the future may result in stricter disciplinary action. Therefore, you must consider immediate rectification.
This is a formal warning against your unprofessional behavior in the workplace. According to reports, you initiated a fight with XYZ on Tuesday, 25th of March. You resorted to a physical fight and created a scene within the office. The management is appalled at your behavior.
You must present a written apology to XYZ within the next 24 hours. Additionally, the management demands a written explanation from you for your actions. You must also present a signed statement reassuring the company that you will not resort to violence against your colleagues in the future. A breach of this written commitment may result in your immediate termination as well as legal action.
We hope you take this warning seriously and take measures for immediate rectification.
We are writing in response to a complaint received against you for being involved in a fight yesterday with your colleague, XYZ. This behavior is against our policies and it leads to a negative work environment. You must take measures for rectification.
Consider this as a formal warning. We strictly advise you to avoid such behavior in the future. Failure to do so will result in strict disciplinary action.
This official warning letter is being served to you regarding a serious breach of the company policy. It has come to our attention that you have been involved in a physical fight with your colleague, XYZ, in the office parking area yesterday.
This incident is a blatant violation of the company’s strict policies regarding workplace conduct and ethics. Your action has degraded your reputation with the management and will have serious consequences on your annual performance report.
Additionally, you will present a written apology to the management at the earliest. You must also provide reassurance that you will not resort to such measures in the future.
Ignoring this warning will result in strict disciplinary action. You may contact HR for further details.
Employee’s name:
Employee’s Address:
Subject: Admonition for Misconduct
Dear Mr. [ABC],
I am writing to warn you of the unpleasant incident that occurred the other day because of your quarrel with your fellow worker. You have been a very punctual and hardworking employee to date. However, the company cannot accept this behavior of yours.
If this incident occurs in the future, we will have to take some serious steps.
We will be happy to see you behaving well and positively with co-workers as per your contract with the company.
Thank you
Yours Sincerely
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