Salary Delay Complaint Letters

A salary delay complaint letter is the best way to convey the message of the inconvenience faced by the employee in the company.

A salary delay complaint letter is written by the employee working in any organization. The letter is required to be written by the employee when he does not get the salary on the specified dates. The letter includes the problem of the employee and potential solutions.

The letter is a major source of communication between the employee and the employer. The employee shows the grievance by writing the complaint letter.

Writing tips for salary delay complaint letter

  1. It is important to write the complaint letter in a formal and polite tone since you are writing this letter to the superior employer
  2. Make sure that you write the letter in a firm tone
  3. State in clear words what you have suffered due to the delay in salary
  4. After writing the complete letter, check it for spelling and grammatical mistakes.

How to write the salary delay complaint letter?

  1. The letter should start with an explanation of the grievance you are facing due to a delay in salary.
  2. Make sure that you have conveyed your problem to your boss clearly and that there is no ambiguity left in the letter.
  3. End the letter by requesting your boss to take the necessary actions to sort out the problem as early as possible.

Approach HR department

Whether you are an existing employee or an ex-employee, if due for any reason, your salary is still outstanding, you have the right to approach the HR department. There are several reasons why salary may be outstanding beyond the payday:

  • Negligence
  • Technical glitch
  • Administrative delay
  • Pending approval
  • Disputed salary

An employee may visit the HR department or write a letter to them to request due payments.

Sample complaint letter #1:

The manager,
Company ABC,

Dear Sir,

It is to inform you that it’s 29th March and I have not received the salary for February. However, I received the payslip when the salary was not credited to my account. I have been working with this company for many years but never faced such an issue before.

I have also completed all the projects on time which were assigned to me. It was mentioned in the contract that you will pay me on the 5th of every month.

I also tried to inform the accounting department about it, but nobody took this problem seriously. I have mentioned my employment details below:


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Salary Delay Complaint Letter

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Sample Letter #2

Hello Sir,

The purpose of writing this letter is to inform you that I have not received my salary for April 20XX. Usually, the salary payment is made no later than the 5th of every month.

Today is 23rd of May which means an 18-day delay has been made. My request is to please let me know if this is deliberate, any type of technical mishandling, or a policy update.

Waiting for your response.

Complaint Letter for Salary Delay

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Sample Letter #3


The Manager,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I have not received my salary for June 20XX. I have not faced this issue since I joined [COMPANY NAME].

The matter is a serious concern for me as a delay in salary causes me financial problems.

I have contacted the accounting department and they have replied with no policy update or pay scale change to my name.

Please investigate and resolve any issue that is delaying the salary payment.

Waiting for your response,

[Letters are for Personal Use Only].

Salary Delay Complaint Letter to Boss

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Sample letter

To: HR Department

Subject: Request for due salary

I am writing to inquire about the status of my salary. It has been over four days since payday, yet my salary is still outstanding. It seems that my coworkers have all received their salaries on time. I visited the accounts office to inquire why my salary had not been released, to which they replied that they had not received clearance from the HR department.

I request the HR department to please check their records and provide clearance if there is no dispute so that I may receive my salary. Kindly let me know if there is an error or dispute so that it may be resolved at the earliest.

Look forward to your cooperation.