Polite Letter to Liberal Teacher for Evaluating Work & not Opinion

A polite letter from a conservative student to a liberal teacher for evaluating work and not opinions is a letter that is written by a student who does not hold liberal views and is experiencing issues due to that. It is addressed to the teacher having liberal views. In this letter, the conservative student politely tries to explain to his teacher that even though he has a conventional point of view it does not affect his work. In addition, he requests her to mark her work, not his opinions.

As this letter is written by a student to his teacher, there are certain factors that need to be kept in mind:

  • The tone of this letter should be polite, and not condescending, so that the teacher would not angry or offended.
  • A teacher deserves respect. Therefore, the element of respect should not be forsaken.
  • A teacher has the authority over the student’s grades. A student may communicate his issue to his teacher, but in an appropriate way, so that his grades are not in jeopardy.

The information included in such letters may vary as per the severity of the issue. However, generally, the following details are included:

  • Details of the teacher.
  • Details of the student.
  • The issue of the gap between the teacher’s liberal and student’s conservative views.
  • The effects of the issue on the grades of the student, and how that can impact his career or education.
  • Request for the assessment and evaluation based on the content, and not opinions.
  • Show respect for the teacher’s views and seek respect for one’s views in return.
  • Show how much one values the teacher’s efforts and impartment of knowledge.
  • Show clarity of intention and having no intention of offending the teacher.
  • Seek acceptance of the request.

If the letter is written in a respectable way, and if the teacher has an understanding nature as well, she will realize if she was wrong, and may rectify the situation. However, if a student writes to her in an offensive way, the liberal teacher may hold a grudge against him, and in addition to ruining his grades, she might even complain against him to the management of the college.

Sample Letter

Dear Ms. Sarah,

It is a pleasure and a great learning experience to study this ABC course from you. I have been able to grasp all the concepts because of your amazing teaching methodology.

However, although my concepts are clear I have been feeling that my grades are not at the same level as my understanding. I am writing this letter as a formal request to you to evaluate my work purely based on its quality, and not my personal opinions. I understand that I am a different person than you, but I believe everyone has the liberty to have their own opinions. I respect your liberal views, and I request you to respect my conservative views as well.

I guarantee you that my conservative opinions do not affect my work at all. I am a hardworking student and belong to a traditional middle-class family. Therefore, I cannot survive in this college without getting a scholarship. My low grades in the ABC course may impact my scholarship money. I request you to consider my work based on its quality and content.

I hope you will accept my request. I do not intend to offend you in any way, and I apologize in advance if you are offended by anything that I said or wrote. Thank you for your understanding, and I am highly grateful to you for transferring your knowledge to us.


David Schaff.

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