A reserved parking spot is one of the benefits employees get from their office in the form of parking cards or permits. It helps in dealing with the morning hour rush by making the process of parking hassle-free. Moreover, parking permits also help in maintaining security as outsiders will not be allowed to park their vehicles in the designated space.
Let’s have a look at more details about parking cards.
Purpose of Parking Cards/Permits
Parking cards/permits help control access to the office parking. Employees are provided with these cards so that they can secure a parking spot without hassle. Outsiders who do not have these permits are not allowed to have access to this area. This ensures the place doesn’t get overcrowded. As a result, employees have sufficient space to park their vehicles.
In short, parking cards/permits provide convenience to employees. They can easily find a parking spot and save time in the morning.
Contents of a Parking Card/Permit
A parking card or permit usually consists of the following information.
- Company Name – A parking card carries the name and logo of the issuing company
- Employee Information – parking cards show important details about an employee. These include name, employee ID number, designation, and picture. This information helps in identification.
- Access Levels – Office parking lots usually have different zones. Employees have access to a space that is closer to their department and is more convenient for them. A parking card mentions the parking zone allocated to the employee.
- Special Instructions – Each organization has specific rules or policies regarding the use of their parking space. These are briefly mentioned on the parking card as a reminder to the employees so that they don’t break these rules.
- Expiry Date – Like other kinds of official cards, parking cards/permits also have an expiry date. It helps in updating the card information regularly to accommodate possible changes.

Parking Card File: 2 MB

Parking Card File: 2 MB

Parking Card File: 2 MB

Parking Card File: 2 MB

Parking Card File: 2 MB
Designing Parking Cards/Permits
Every organization needs to have a unique design for the parking cards they issue to their employees. Although some components are similar, certain elements are unique. These make the design of parking cards stand out for every company.
Here are the factors to keep in mind while designing parking cards/permits for your organization.
- The basic design of the card is simple and clean. There are no fancy elements, such as flashy borders or images. On the other hand, the layout should be well-organized so that all information is visible.
- Choose the right font style that makes the employee name and relevant information legible. Avoid fancy fonts that may make it hard to read the contents of the parking card/permit.
- Additional information, such as parking instructions and rules, should be provided at the back of the card. It helps the more important information – company name and employee ID – to stand out.
- Use pre-designed templates to create parking cards/permits. You can choose from a collection of professionally developed designs and customize them to create the perfect parking cards/permits for employees. The templates save time and help you get professional results.
- Birthday Gift Card Templates
- Security Clearance Card Templates
- Parking Cards/Permits for Employees
- Company Meal Card Templates
- Conference Room Reservation Cards
- Employee Birthday Announcement Card Templates
- Happy Holiday Cards for Employees
- Good Luck Card Templates for Word
- Miscarriage Sympathy Cards
- Kids School ID Badge Templates
- Theater Ticket Templates for MS Word
- Service Dog ID Cards
- Service Dog ID Badge Templates
- Christmas Wish Cards in Editable Format
- Christmas Party Invitation Cards
- Vertical Design ID Badges for Office Employees
- Editable School ID Badges for Teachers & Students
- Photo ID Badges for Office Employees
- Employee Photo ID Badge Templates
- Skating Competition Ticket Templates
- College Stage Show Tickets