Mobile Phones not Allowed in Workplace Notice

Mobile phones have proved a blessing connecting us to the world at all times. At the same time, mobile phones are also blamed for disconnecting us from our surroundings. Busy staring at their mobile screens, most people are no longer aware of what is going on around them in a public setting. Moreover, they have also caused a lack of attention to other matters and lack of concentration in both children and adults.

Whether at the office or at schools; mobile phones are a huge distraction. A few years back, blocking Facebook at work or in schools was enough for a brief while. It kept people focused on work. However with innumerable social networks, forums and applications to keep users hooked, it has become impossible to keep track of students or employees.

Organizations experience a concerning decrease in productivity and an increase in errors. Employees are often found spending working hours on their phones using apps, browsing social media and wasting office time in unproductive tasks. All this is directly related to mobile use.

As a result, the use of mobile phones has been limited in most organizations and schools now. Students caught using mobile phones are fined. Similarly, mobile phone use at workplaces is strictly discouraged.

Several offices have created special zones where you can go and talk. If an employee wishes to take any non-work related calls, he/she must go to that zone or outside to talk.

Employees found to be frequently using mobile phones are reprimanded and may be penalized if they fail to adhere to company rules.

In order to curb mobile use at workplaces and schools, the employees and students must be notified of the rules against mobile use. Restricting mobile use should also be complemented with fines or penalties to implement the rule. Furthermore, managers and leaders must ensure the rule is followed and set an example by following it themselves as well. Restricting mobile use at workplaces and schools will enable employees and students to concentrate on the task at hand, utilize time more efficiently and reduce errors.

If you are unsure on how to write a notice for restricting the use of mobile phones, you can check our sample letters below.

1- Mobile phones not allowed in workplace notice

To: Staff

Subject:                Use of mobile phones in the workplace

It has been observed that several employees are spending too much office time on mobile phones. Excessive use of mobile phones is having a negative effect on organizational productivity and has led to increased errors. When compared to organizations that have restricted use of mobile phones in their organizations, we missed more deadlines than those organizations.

Therefore, the management has decided that the use of mobile phones at the workplace will be strictly discouraged from now on. Employees found using mobile phones excessively shall be fined in a progressive manner.

Please note that this notice is effective immediately.


HR Department

Notice for mobile phones not allowed in workplace

2- Mobile phones not allowed notice to students in school/college/university


To: Students

Subject:                Use of mobile phones in classrooms

It has been brought to my notice that students are using mobile phones excessively during class times. Such behavior is not encouraged in classrooms. In order to create a friendly learning environment, use of mobile phones during class times is strictly prohibited.

Please be warned, that students caught in violation of the rule shall be fined for the first three offenses in a progressive manner. Thereafter, a complaint will be sent to their parents. Persistent violations will lead to suspension from school. This notice is effective immediately.

The school hopes to make a creative learning environment in the classes and expects students to actively participate in class activities.



Notice for mobile phones not allowed to students