Sometimes you may misplace an important bill or invoice. Many important agreements are based on certain bills or invoices and losing an important bill may cause trouble among people and organizations. So, if you lost an important bill you should write a letter to ask for a duplicate bill.
Writing a letter is a professional way of asking for a duplicate bill and when the company will tend to act on your request without any delay.
Every letter has a different purpose and therefore it is written accordingly. While writing a letter for requesting a duplicate bill, keep the following point in mind;
- Avoid Unnecessary Details: A request letter should be brief and to the point. You do not have to mention unnecessary details. But do not leave important details since it could affect your invoice because of missed information.
- Professional Letter Format: Follow a proper and professional request letter format.
- Be Polite: The tone of the letter should be polite. Keep in mind that this is a request letter and not a demanding letter. So, ask politely.
- Appropriate Reasoning: Prove your case that you actually need a duplicate of your bill. Make it convincing by providing appropriate reasons.
- Ending of the Letter: End your letter by saying exactly what you hope he/she will do for you.
You may write a letter to your supplier or respective department that you want to write to request for a duplicate copy of the sales invoice or bill that was issued to you. Following is the format of a request letter for the duplicate bill.
Sample Letter
[Company Name]
[Company’s Address]
Subject: Request for Duplicate Bill
To whom it may concern,
Our company was issued with a billing invoice on the date [DATE].
I am writing this with great regret that due to the shifting of our department we have lost the mentioned bill. The bill had important information about the products and it is essential for maintaining the balance in the accounts department. The following goods/services were mentioned on the bill that we had purchased from your company.
(Mention the details of the products and total amount if you may remember. It would help them to recognize it properly without any error).
Because of the incident mentioned above, we would like to request a duplicate copy of the mentioned bill with the verification from your billing department. Kindly make it possible in sooner time so that we can make the payment as soon as possible.
We apologize for the delay in the payment and the inconvenience it has caused. If you have any query regarding this or if you need any clarification you may contact us on the following given numbers, or you may email us at;
(Indicate your contact numbers and emails here)
We hope that you would help us in this regard.
Thank you.
[Mention the name of Your Company]
[Your Name]
[Your Signature]
[Your department and position]
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