The recommendation letter is a special type of business letter that is usually issued by people in authority. It is a type of endorsement letter in which the writing of this letter endorses the subject of the letter. There is a variety of purposes to write a reference letter. Most commonly, employees need this letter issued from their employer to get a new job or for higher studies.
We all know that there is extensive paperwork that people striving to go for higher education are required to do. They are required to provide a lot of documents to prove their credibility. A letter of reference from the manager is one of those required documents. In some cases, this letter is considered an integral part of the application process while applying for getting enrolled in some foreign universities.
It is the policy of many companies to ask aspirants to provide a letter of endorsement written by their former employer. They believe that the employer generally knows about the strengths, weaknesses, skills, and potential of the applicant in a better way. Thus, their endorsement of their ex-employee is given much consideration.
What does a letter of endorsement do?
The recommendation letter helps a person in lots of ways especially when he has to apply for higher studies. People who want to evaluate the employee based on his job skills often ask for it. if the employer of the applicant deems him an honest and trustworthy person, it means that the applicant is worth getting the opportunity to go for higher studies.
This letter is also an essential tool for those educational institutes that want to obtain the information of the candidate from multiple sources to ensure that the applicant has provided the right information about himself.
How to write a letter of reference for an employee who wants to go for higher studies?
An endorsement letter is a useful document for the applicant and therefore, the employer should try to write it effectively so that the applicant can reap the benefits of submitting it. An employer must keep the following points in mind while endorsing his worker:
Know the purpose:
Many employees write a general-purpose endorsement letter because they are asked to write this letter frequently. They don’t want to waste their time writing the endorsement now and then and therefore, they keep only one letter one-fits-for-all letter. Although it is convenient for them to use this strategy, it often fails to serve its purpose. Therefore, you should try to know the purpose of the endorsement so that you can tailor it to the needs of the employee.
Discuss the skills and potential of the employee:
As an employer, you must be in a better position to describe the skills and potential of the person who has worked under your supervision. Explain all the skills that the employee has earned. Also, discuss the capabilities and potential the employee has been blessed with and tell how the potential has helped the company in the long and short run.
Discuss why the employee deserves to be selected:
Since you are writing an endorsement letter, make sure that you as an employer know the employee and you are aware of some of the positive traits of the employee. When you have made the reader believe that you know the employee well, you can easily discuss why the subject of the letter deserves to be selected.
Discuss the life goals of the employee:
When people closely work with each other, they know about each other’s personalities and life goals. It would not hurt the employer if he discusses the life goals of the employee. The life goals should be described in such a way that the reader comes to know that the person being endorsed is a passionate person who has always aspired to go for higher education.
Provide your contact details:
People who receive the endorsement written by you might want to know about the candidate. For this purpose, they will need your contact information. End the letter with your contact information and ask the reader to contact you if needed.
Sample letter:
I strongly recommend Miss. ABC for taking admission to your university for higher education. Miss. ABC has worked for my company for more than 4 years. During all this time, she remains hardworking and honest with her work and duties. She has worked under my supervision and managed to learn things in a very short period.
She has been part of the best team in my company and always ensures that she contributes to the teamwork. She always managed to fulfill her responsibilities.
I am so happy that Miss. ABC has decided to pursue higher education as she is a very talented person. If you want to know more about Miss. ABC, you can contact me at (mention your number).
Name of the sender

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