Letter in Response to the Request made for Resume

A letter of response to a request of a resume is written by a potential employee to his probable future employer. When a job opportunity arises, an employer searches for the candidates and request their resumes to analyze if they are a fit for the position. When such a request is received, the candidate responds, usually, in the form of a letter or an email and attaches his resume with it.

This letter is important because:

  • It shows gratitude regarding the request and consideration.
  • It shows the courtesy of the candidate through a proper letter or a formal communication.
  • It provides a chance to persuade the employer about the candidate’s competency and capability for the job.

The general format of this letter is:

  • Date
  • Details of the candidate.
  • Details of the employer.
  • The reason behind the letter.
  • Statement to show gratitude.
  • Persuade about your capabilities and skills.
  • Inform about the attached resume.

This letter needs to be written in a professional tone and although the sender can utilize it as a platform to market his skills, the letter should stay in the realms of professionalism as this may have an impact on the candidate’s impression in the eyes of the employer. In addition, sending this letter and showing gratitude, rather than only sending the resume on request, would convince the employer that the candidate is seriously interested that might lead to his increased chances of selection.

Sample -1

I felt overwhelmed when I was informed through an email sent by you that your company has shown interest in my application. Attached with the letter is my resume as per your request. It is an honor for me to be selected among such knowledgeable individuals. I have had marketing experience of nearly 10 years.

I had been working with ABC for the said period. During my job, I was responsible for critically analyzing the prevailing market trends and then formulating a strategy that would help compete us in the economy. My efforts have been recognized internationally in a very short time. I hope to meet you soon so that I may be able to give you a detailed idea about my qualifications.

Letter in Response to the Request made for Resume


Sample -2

It was certainly a dream come true when you had requested for my resume. I have enclosed my resume with this letter. I had previously worked with companies ABC and TRF totaling my work experience of about 15 years. My 15 years’ experience as a Software engineer has helped me gain command over different computer languages. I can design software for individuals understanding different languages. Last year’s software exhibition has won me an award for my contribution to the industry.

I am looking forward to meeting you soon so that you can have a detailed overview of my qualification.

Letter in Response to the Request made for Resume


Sample -3

I had enclosed my resume with this letter as you had requested. I had worked at company TRG for almost a period of 7 years. I had worked there in the capacity of product developer. I had been responsible for suggesting any improvisations in the current market product launched by the company and addressing any issues if required. My work demanded me to interact with different individuals which have shaped me as an individual who can work easily adjust to different working environments.

Hope to meet you soon to give you a detailed overview of my qualifications.

Letter in Response to the Request made for Resume
