Hospital Recommendation Letter

Recommendation letters are very important for the career of all of us. No matter in which field we are, we need recommendation letters to prove our worth. The job position we apply for often asks for the recommendation letter from our previous employers so that it can be seen that how well we have worked with the previous employer. The recommendation letter also tells whether our previous employer was satisfied with us because he would not write us the recommendation letter if he was not happy with us.

Healthcare providers also need recommendation letters when they apply to a post of a doctor in any hospital. Experienced doctors are required to hand in the recommendation letter written by the hospital they have worked previously. 

What is a hospital recommendation letter?

The letter written by the hospital in support of a doctor or a nurse is called a hospital recommendation letter. This letter is usually written by a senior doctor on behalf of the hospital. Sometimes, the owner of the hospital also chooses to write this letter for recommending a particular person.

What is the purpose of writing the advocacy letter?

Doctors write the advocacy letter to advocate those doctors who have worked in the hospital for a certain number of years and have proved themselves to be upright and knowledgeable. The advocacy of the hospital helps the candidate get a job in the hospital.

When to write the recommendation letter?

When you have been asked to write the recommendation letter, you should try to ascertain the following points:

  1. The person you are supporting is an upright person who does justice with his work. This can be unfair if you recommend someone who does not deserve it. For example, supporting a doctor for a job position who does not take his job seriously is not a suggested approach.
  2. Write this letter when you know that the person asking for it has applied for the right job position.
  3. You should write this letter when has worked in your hospital under your supervision for many years and has proved himself to be loyal to his job.

How to write the letter of recommendation?

Consider the following tips while writing this letter:

  • Write on the letterhead of the hospital:

Sometimes, the recipient of the letter doubts the authenticity of the letter. For removing this possibility, you should always try to come off as original as possible. It is always important to write on the letterhead of the hospital on behalf of which you are supporting the candidate.

  • Give your introduction:

The person who receives this letter wants to know who you are and what is your position to refer a person for a particular job position. Considering this fact, you should always proceed with giving your details. Also, tell this in a letter that how you know the person you are referring to. It is also important to tell this in a letter that how long you worked for that person

  • Write a supporting statement:

Instead of telling everything indirectly, you should be direct and straightforward. If you are supporting someone so that he gets a job he has applied for, you should mention it in the letter. Write that you are strongly recommending the said person for a particular job position. Also, mention the job position so that the reader can know that you know what you are writing, and you are clear in your purpose.

  • Mention qualities:

While supporting someone, you should ensure that you have solid ground for it. For this, you should try to mention the good qualities of the person you are supporting. It is important to tell you that you know that person.

Everyone is a combination of good and bad qualities. However, it is not recommended to discuss the negative qualities of that person. Only highlight the good qualities of that person.

  • Give your contact details:

To confirm the authenticity of this letter, the recipient of the letter might want to contact you. Therefore, you should share your contact details in the letter confidently.

Here is a sample letter that will help you draft a recommendation letter:

Sample letter:

Name of the patient:
Contact details of patient:

Subject of the letter:

Dear (healthcare provider),

I am glad to write the recommendation letter for Dr. ABC who is a very diligent and passionate doctor of the neurology department (mention the hospital’s name). I have worked with Mr. ABC for more than 5 years and during all this time, I got to know him personally.

Mr. ABC has enough knowledge about lab work, practical work in the field of neurology. He is an expert in diagnosis. He always tries to treat his patients with the best possible treatments. Due to his best record, I record him without reservation.

You can contact me if you want to know more about him. Here are my contact details.


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