Fake Positive Pregnancy Test Papers

Fake positive pregnancy test papers are the documents that provide incorrect information regarding the pregnancy of a female employee. These papers are submitted to the employer for various reasons and indicate the pregnancy confirmation, which is only apparently correct. In these papers, a doctor provides the conformation so that, the documents can serve as a proof of the employee’s pregnancy.

A female employee prepares these fake papers or get them prepared due to many reasons, such as:

  • She needs off days for her personal and family reasons and the employer is not accepting the leave application.
  • She needs some time off to relax without the stressful routine of the work.
  • She needs medical treatments but her paid medical leaves have already ended.
  • She needs to go on a vacation.
  • She needs to study for a certification or take an exam.
  • She needs to leave a time requiring project and her allowed leave days have already ended so she wants to come to work without working on that particular project.
  • She wants to gain sympathy or good caring treatment at work.

When a fake positive pregnancy test document is being prepared, the employee chooses the information that she needs to include. However, following are the general details that are included in all such papers:

  • Name of the employee.
  • Name of the doctor and/or hospital.
  • Contact details of doctor or the hospital.
  • Date of visit.
  • Expected date of delivery.
  • Any other comments or information from a doctor.

Now days, it is not difficult to forge documents. To make the fake positive pregnancy test papers, an employee can use any online template and fill in her own information with the convenient details. Else, she can also get the papers prepared through a doctor that she is acquainted with.

Employees often play smart to make their documents look real by:

  • Using medical jargons.
  • Indicating real symptoms.
  • Creating a background before submitting the papers by informing the colleagues about her marriage plans or a boyfriend.
  • Revealing fake pregnancy symptoms before submitting the papers as evidence.
  • Making the dates and doctor and hospital details as real as possible.

The fake documents are usually kept in the employee record file. If the employee actually gets pregnant and the details mismatch with the fake papers or the employer finds out through any other way that the papers provided by the employee are fake, he can take serious and legal actions that may even include termination.

In addition to the fear of the employer finding out about the fake pregnancy, an employee should have a proper plan before submitting the fake papers regarding how will she put an end to a fake pregnancy or how would she end the story if the employer finds out the truth. She might need the support of additional fake documents, such as miscarriage reports. Therefore, the employee must think it through before submitting the papers.

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Doctors note for fake pregnancy

License: ENERGY  (Personal use only)
(Distribution) by Kate Elizabeth(CEO)