The employee onboarding process is one of the critical processes that take place in an organization. Employers try to make sure that they make this process of onboarding simple, seamless, organized, and consistent. When new people are hired, it is obvious that they often have difficulty integrating into the new workplace. The process of onboarding is carried out to assist people in their adjustment. However, those who have to help employees often need assistance with a tool known as a new hire checklist.
What is a new-hire checklist?
It is a document that is used as an instrument for HR to assist newly hired people. It is a very organized and structured document that contains a list of things to do and important details in an organized way. This checklist is a very useful tool for retaining information in your mind if you habitually forget things.
What information is included in the new recruitment checklist?
This document includes all the details in the list that people need to assist the newly hired staff and also to complete other parts of the onboarding procedure. Depending on the needs, it may vary from company to company, but there are a few details that you can expect to see in almost every checklist. These details are:
Information about the employee
Since it has been prepared for helping out a specific newly hired individual, it should mention all the details of that person so that the employer does not forget who he is supposed to help. This information includes the name of the employee, the position in which he has been hired, the date of joining the company, the name of the department in which he has been hired, and much more.
Administrative tasks before joining
Before the employee starts working for a company, several administrative tasks are performed. This usually includes completing the paperwork, signing contracts with the worker, getting the employee’s documents, making an entry for the worker in the database of HR and also in other departments, and some other tasks that completely depend on the company and its individual needs.
Equipment details
As soon as someone joins a company and shows his willingness, the company starts making arrangements for the tools and equipment that he will need to carry out all tasks and fulfill all the assigned responsibilities. These tools depend on the nature of the job of the employee.
For instance, those who have to work and travel for the company need a vehicle that they can use. They are given a car or a bike to perform their job. The name of the equipment and other details are mentioned in the list so that the company can keep track of every vehicle that is being used by its workforce.
Orientation process description
The purpose of the orientation process is to educate the workforce about the culture and policies of the company. They are also given equipment and access to the technology they might need during their job. In short, the orientation process also comprises many steps, and each is mentioned in the checklist because things can get disturbed if any of the important steps are missed.
Training of the new employee
The majority of companies believe in training employees so that they don’t face any difficulty in accomplishing the tasks that are assigned to them. Details regarding training are added to the checklist which includes the name of the training program that should be completed, skills to be gained, schedule of the training program, mode of delivery of the training, learning outcomes and objectives, and whatnot.
A checklist is an amazing tool for companies that want their employees to get adjusted to the environment of the company which is new for them and they often struggle when they have to integrate into the system.
This checklist is useful for people who want to make it easy for newly hired individuals to work in a new environment and make sure that the company provides them with all the tools, accessories, and information that they need for carrying out their day-to-day and showing compliance with the rules and policies of the company.
- Investment Portfolio Tracker
- Equipment Utilization Worksheet
- Emissions Monitoring Worksheet
- Monthly Utility Consumption Worksheet
- Sales Tax Calculation Sheet
- Fixed Asset Register Template
- Advance Salary Tracker
- Benefits and Deductions Worksheet
- Capital Expenditure Tracker Template
- Departmental Budget Allocation Sheet
- Payment Reminder Schedule
- Customer Payment Log
- Value Added Tax (VAT) Log
- Employee Disciplinary Violation Log
- Event Budget Sheet