A company operating with different branches in different areas often has to transfer its employees from one branch to another. When this happens, the letter is written to the employee.
What is it?
This letter is a written communication between the manager and the employee. Through this letter, the employee is informed about the decision of the company to transfer the employee from the branch where he is working to another branch. Note that some people happily accept the decision of the company and some have serious problems with this. The letter should address the problems of the employees upfront and then also their solution.
Common mistakes to avoid while writing a letter transferring the employee to a new workplace:
- Some employers fail to write an unambiguous letter and leave so many question marks in the letter. Since this is an information letter, it should provide all the valid details.
- The letter should be concise and brief.
- The details of the new branch and its location should never be missed out on.
- The tone of the employer should show that he is ready to support the employee.
When to write?
Some common situations that necessitate the manager to write this letter are:
Employee’s redundancy in one branch:
If the branches of the company are in different cities and market conditions in different cities are different, it is quite possible that the employee becomes redundant in one branch and most needed in some other branches. When the manager perceives that the employee is no longer in the branch in which he is currently working, a decision to transfer him can be taken.
When the employee’s skills are no longer relevant:
Employees who don’t improve or polish their skills over time fail to meet the emerging needs of the technology. However, they are hardworking and honest, and therefore, the company does not want to let go of them. In such circumstances, the company shifts the employee to the branch where the skills of the employee can work to contribute to the growth and development of the company.
To approve the request of the employee:
Sometimes the employee requests the manager for transfer because he has to move to a different location for some personal reasons. In this situation, the employer writes a letter to the employee to let him know that his request has been approved.
How to write?
Inform the employee about the transfer:
As soon as you start this letter, inform the employee that the company has decided to transfer him to another branch. Also, mention the name and location of that branch. While you inform the employee, let him know who has taken this decision. For instance, sometimes the head of the department takes this decision.
So, the letter should tell the employee who is responsible for this executive decision. With the help of this information, the employee can contact the concerned person in case he wants to know some more details regarding his transfer.
Discuss the reason for transferring:
The worker should be told as to why he is being transferred to the new branch as these are the main questions he might ask.
The date of transfer:
This letter is an information letter, the employee should also know about the date from which he will no longer be working in the current branch.
Discuss the transfer and facilities:
The company should tell the employee what facilities he will be enjoying in the new branch. This is important to discuss because some employees feel insecure when they are informed about a change in their workplace.
Offer your assistance:
Transferring to a new place often creates so many problems for the employees. Some of them face lots of troubles in adjusting to the new place. The employer who has decided to transfer him to the campus should offer his assistance to the employee considering his troubles and ask him to contact him as and when he feels things are not going right.
Close the letter positively:
Just like any other business letter, this letter should also be closed on a positive note. The employer can wish the employee the best of luck for shifting to a new campus.
Sample Letter
Dear [X],
I [name] [title] from [department name] am writing to inform you about the transfer of Mr. [name] to our [name] branch. Mr. [name] has been working with us for the last [number] years. He was hired as [designation] and through his sheer hard work and perseverance, he has risen to the post of [designation].
When the post of [name] was vacant in our [name] branch, Mr. [name] ‘s name came up and it was unanimously decided that he would be the best person to represent our office and train the team there, as he has extensive experience in this field, and he has led our office team multiple times in such projects.
His mentorship has enabled many of his team members to rise and become better professionals. His efforts and commitment would always be remembered in this office, and we are sure that wherever he goes he would be valued for these traits.
[Date] would be his last working day in this office. We have planned a little farewell for him in [place] at [time] on [date]. Let us send him off with good memories and wish him all the best for the future. Looking forward to seeing you all there,
Yours sincerely,

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