Reprimand Suspension and Termination Letters for Poor Performance

Poor performance is measured through a set of parameters. It is usually easy to measure poor performance when the work-done is quantitative. Such as a factory worker stitching shirt can be more easily evaluated for poor performance than an employee making reports. This is because the number of shirts stitched in a day and the number of defective items can be quantified.

However, the number of reports created in a week is an inadequate measure of performance. In such a scenario, performance on the job is measured through a complex set of quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools.

Poor performance is most commonly evaluated through:

  • Frequent mistakes and failure to take corrective action
  • Frequent absenteeism – late arrivals or leaving early
  • Missing deadlines and important meetings
  • Difficulty in concentrating, paying attention to detail or following instructions
  • Forgetting important tasks assigned
  • Low job efficiency and productivity
  • Lack of consistency in work
  • Poor relations with supervisors and colleagues (lying, overreacting, unable to take criticism)
  • Being unreliable and irresponsible
  • Handing over incomplete assignments
  • Customer complaints

There are many other parameters for poor performance as well that may be job specific or organization specific. Every organization has its own evaluation measures. Continuous poor performance requires action by the organization.

Performance evaluation and correction is accomplished in a series of steps that are intensified periodically. Initially, employees are softly corrected by the supervisor, pointing out mistakes and discussing errors or confusions.

This is followed by several verbal reprimands by the supervisor. When the situation persists, employees have then issued warning letters. If an employee fails to pay heed to warning letters and continues to perform poorly, disciplinary action may be taken against them. Disciplinary action may lead to suspension and finally termination of the employee for poor performance.

1- First warning letter for poor performance

To [employee name]

This is to warn you regarding your poor work performance on the job. Your past three performance evaluations were unsatisfactory. Your supervisor has been continuously offering you support and assistance in completing assigned tasks; however, despite this, the work you submitted has required significant rework. Your latest performance evaluation revealed the following issues:

  • Lack of attention and inability to follow instructions
  • Remaining absent while at work (taking long breaks, chatting with others)
  • Unreliable and irregular work performance

You must pay attention to work and try to minimize the issues raised by your supervisor. If you are facing stress or any other issues, we recommend you seek counsel.

Your performance will be evaluated again in six weeks. We hope to see improvement in your work performance. Download

First warning letter for poor performance

2- 2nd warning letter for poor performance

This is with reference to a follow-up performance evaluation as was communicated to you earlier (reference date). Your poor performance at work has been a concern for the organization. Recently, your performance evaluation revealed that you failed to submit an important project file on time which caused the company to lose a valuable client. As indicated to you in the previous letter, irresponsible behavior by any employee is not acceptable.

Consider this as a second warning for poor performance. Failure to improve work performance shall lead to disciplinary action against you. Your next performance evaluation shall take place in four weeks.

2nd warning letter for poor performance


3- Disciplinary action letter for poor performance

This is to inform you that the results of your second performance evaluation have been reviewed critically. Your consistent irresponsible behavior and irregular work productivity are damaging the company’s reputation with its valuable clients. In addition, you have been neglecting work completely and taking longer than necessary breaks. Last week you were absent from two important meetings.

In accordance with the organization policy, you are in violation of article 103E, 116A, 116B and 201. After much consideration, the organization has decided to take disciplinary action against you. An investigation team shall be headed by Mr. James Sander. You will be updated about the progress periodically.

You are expected to cooperate with the investigation team. Meanwhile, you must continue your duties until further correspondence.

Disciplinary action letter for poor performance SEP11


4- Suspension letter for poor performance

This is with reference to your performance evaluation. Earlier you were duly informed about disciplinary action against you owing to continued poor work performance. The investigation team has been inspecting your case in detail. Your negligence and irresponsibility have caused damage to the company’s reputation and lost two valuable clients.

Considering on-going investigation, you are hereby suspended with pay for one week. This is not a punitive measure; rather it is to ensure that the investigation is carried out fairly and reasonably. You are not to discuss the investigation with anyone in the organization except for the investigation team. You are expected to resume office from [enter date].

Hope you use this time to contemplate on your performance.

Suspension letter for poor performance

5- Termination letter for poor performance

This is with reference to the investigation undertaken to review your performance. Earlier you were suspended with pay for a period of one week to allow for a fair investigation. The investigation team has completed their investigation. Here are the main findings of the report:

  • Absenteeism while at work (long breaks, chatting around, not on desk)
  • Missed two important meetings
  • Failed to submit important projects on specified deadlines
  • Irresponsible conduct led to the loss of two valuable clients
  • Fail to follow instructions or pay attention to detail
  • Unreliable behavior and irregular work output

According to section 394A of the company policy, the company has the right to penalize and/or terminate an employee if he/she repeatedly performs poorly. Over the period of the past six months, you were given multiple chances to improve. However, your continued nonchalance sets a bad example for the rest of the employees. Hence poor work ethics cannot be overlooked.

We regret to inform you, that after discussing the findings of the investigation report, the committee has decided to terminate you from employment on one-month notice. You are requested to use this period to seek out another job and relieve yourself of your current duties. At the end of this notification period, please apply for a clearance certificate.

We wish you the best in future.

Termination letter for poor performance