Warning Letter to Employee for Insubordination

A warning letter for insubordination is a specific type of letter that is similar to other warning letters written for disciplinary action. It should be kept in mind that insubordination is different from disrespectful behavior and disrespectful behavior should not be considered while writing the warning letter for insubordination. There are several other things to be considered before writing this warning letter. There can be many reasons for an employee to refuse to do the work directed by the employer. Those reasons should be known before writing this type of warning letter. There should be a solid reason for writing it.…

Warning Letter for Negligence in Duty

Sometimes, the employees show negligence in duty. The employers never like the unsatisfactory performance of the employee and they have a right to keep a check on the employees’ performance. When the performance is not according to the standards of the company or there is a lack of productivity by the employee, a warning letter for negligence in duty can be written to the employee. The tone of the letter is completely formal. Every organization has its way of dealing with employees showing negligence in their duty. Some employers meet the employee personally discuss the entire matter and try to…

Request Letter for Delivery of Material

The request letter for the delivery of material is used when you want to request the supplier for the supply of goods. This is a very common letter which is used in businesses for the exchange of goods or ordering goods for delivery on franchises or on retail stores. The letter is started with the details about the initial request of the material that you made. The quantity of the item, as well as the price per unit, should be mentioned in the letter while requesting the delivery. This letter is usually written when you have ordered the material but…