If you are working in a company that has multiple branches, there are chances for you to work in the branch you want. Usually, the company hires you in a specific branch and wants you to work there. It entirely depends on the needs of the organization. However, there are some situations in which you don’t want to work in the branch where you have been employed. In such situations, you can write a request letter and ask for a transfer.
When some family problems lead you to decide to relocate to another place, it is better to request the transfer to the branch in the area where you are relocating instead of finding a new job there. For this purpose, you will have to write a request letter to the company.
What is a request letter of transfer due to family?
It is a letter in which you formally ask your employer to transfer you to the other branch of the company. This request may also include whether you want to work in the same position or you can also adjust to any available position. Before writing this letter, you can conduct some research to get information about the available position in the other branch or whether it is possible for the company to transfer you or not.
What are the tips to follow for writing a letter to ask for a transfer?
Here are the tips to follow for an effective request letter:
Write a meaningful subject:
Professional letters always include a subject that clearly describes the letter and its purpose. It makes the easy for the reader to understand what you are trying to say. Your letter should never be without a subject because it will not be considered to be complete.
An appropriate salutation:
It is very important to know how to address the reader, especially when you are writing a request letter and addressing your boss. Use a proper salutation that can help you show respect and professional ethics.
A formal request:
The transfer request is the most important part of this letter and it is always included after the salutation. You should know how to put forward a request to make sure that it gets approval and the reader can understand your situation.
Ask the employer for transferring you to the other branch of the company. While you do it, mention the name and address of that branch also. Also, include how you want the transfer to take place and whether you want to work in the same position or a change of position depending on the availability will be fine for you. This will show how flexible you are considering your request.
Time of transfer:
Your employer needs to know when you want the company to decide to transfer you since it is due to a family issue and it is only you who knows when the transfer should take place. You can request for transfer next week or next month depending on your needs.
State the reason:
It is always easy to convince the employer to transfer you when can give a concrete and logical reason. You may not want to discuss a family issue in the letter. So, only stating the reason that you have some family problems will be enough. You can discuss things in detail in a personal meeting with the employer.
Give your employment background:
Here, you can discuss some of the salient points of your job in the company. You can talk about your achievements as well as your loyalty to the company. Again, this will be helpful for you when you are trying your best to convince the manager to transfer you to the other branch.
Say thanks to the employer:
You should not wait for your request to be accepted to pay gratitude to the employer. Say, thank you to the reader for giving you the employment opportunity and helping you to grow. Things start to shift to the positive side when you learn to appreciate people.
I am writing to request a transfer to the XYZ branch due to pressing family issues. Over the past few months, I have been away from my children for extended periods due to the current location of my job. Unfortunately, it is not working out well for my family as I am unable to balance work and family life.
The issue will be resolved if I can find a suitable place at our XYZ office. I, therefore, earnestly request you assist me with my situation. I am committed to my role in the company and will continue to give my best in any position.
I kindly request your understanding and support in considering this transfer request. I am more than willing to discuss this matter further.
I eagerly await your response.
This is a formal transfer request from my current position as Head of the Sales Department at XYZ branch to our ABC branch in Lahore. Unfortunately, I am facing some family issues that have compelled me to put forward this request.
Currently, I am assigned to a location that is far from my family. This makes it challenging for me to be there to support them. A transfer to Lahore would allow me to be with my family and address our issues effectively.
Please rest assured that my dedication to the company remains steadfast. I will continue working diligently to contribute to the organization’s success. I am more than willing to accommodate the new team at ABC in order to ensure a smooth transition.
I look forward to your support regarding my request. Please let me know if you require additional information regarding this matter.
I shall really appreciate a quick response.
Subject: Request to transfer to another branch
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am (tell your name) working as a (state your designation) in (name of department) of the company. I am writing to formally ask whether you can transfer me to the (state address of branch) of this company. I am forced to make this request as I need to relocate to my home town as my mother-in-law is ill. There is no one to take care of her and she is mine and my wife’s responsibility. I hope that you understand my situation.

Sample Letter File 59 KB
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee