Request Letter for Certificate of Insurance

Insurance means providing a guarantee of compensation for the loss occurred, illness, or death in return of a specified amount of any other premium. Certificate of insurance is a certificate that can be asked for as proof of insurance. It is helpful in making business deals, taking new contractors into businesses, or any other kind of work, vendors, or other entities. A client, you may be working with, may ask from you to provide a certificate of insurance.

A request letter for a certificate of insurance is written to the insurance agent to provide you with the proof of insurance in the shape of a certificate by anyone who has taken insurance into account. In addition, request letters can also be written by a client to the company, or similarly, such requests can be made by one company to another client or by a contractor to the other. It is a kind of security to get an assurance of the liabilities and coverage.

Certificate of insurance will show how the insurance policy has been made along with the date of expiry of the insurance and policy information which is very little on the certificate and more detailed on the policy papers.

Following is a sample letter requesting for certificate of insurance. In the following letter, a contractor is making a request to the manager of the company to provide him with a copy of their certificate of insurance so that he can get certainty of the liabilities and coverage of the company.

Sample Letter

Sehgal Smith
The Manager, Jaylin Plastics,
NOHK Stars Heights, NYC, USA.

 20th April 20XX

Mark Pompeo
The Director, Kamal Industries
54757 DCM Street, NYC, USA.

Re. Request for Certificate of Insurance

Dear Sir,

It is brought to your kind attention that I am the manager at Jaylin Plastics. I am writing to you on behalf of the company. Our director along with his other team members signed a contract with your company in which your designs shall be used for our manufacturing. The deal went well, and it is realized as a very well-conceived project contract. The company has no muddle point to go ahead with this contract. The contract has been signed but the company has a reservation in which it feels the need for a certificate of insurance.

The company’s want for the certificate of insurance is made based on certain significant factors. Binding in contract with your company means to share certain values in common which means there is a dire requirement to know about the certain liabilities and coverage under which your company stands. To avoid any later complication and rely more on the policy of insurance that your company keeps, I, on behalf of the company request you to provide me with a copy of your certificate of insurance.

Our company keeps the firm belief that everything should be settled and well-perceived at the beginning of every contract or project. Our mutual contract with each other has no other point of perplexing but to get a copy of the certificate of insurance. As the proposal for the contract was made by your side and the offer thus was accepted later, I hope it justifies looking at the certificate of insurance. Jaylin Plastic Company presents itself for any kind of intelligibility and transparency.

I hope you can provide the certificate at your priority to make it supplementary.

Thank you in anticipation.



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