Communication for Announcing Hybrid Work Model to your Clients

A communication for announcing a hybrid work model to the clients can be carried out by writing them a letter, an email, or a displayed notice. Usually, the mode of communication, most often opted for, by the organizations is a letter. However, the choice may vary depending on the usual communication channels with the clients as well as the organizational policies. This letter is prepared by the organization, which is implementing a change and is addressed to its clients. In this letter, the organization communicates about the hybrid work model, that it is going to follow for the overall betterment.

A hybrid work model involves a mix of work from home and regular work from the office. An organization may adopt it for various reasons, such as:

  • The type of work can easily be done remotely.
  • The organization is trying to lower its expenses, such as utilities, etc.
  • The organization has observed lower productivity with adopting purely one system.
  • The contagious viruses have increased, and their spreading need to be controlled.

When an organization decides to implement a new work model be it work from a home model, a complete work from office model, or a hybrid model it needs to formally inform its clients so that any sort of inconveniences can be avoided on the part of organizations as well as the clients.

A letter of communication for announcing hybrid work model to the clients is written by the organizations to notify their clients about the modification. The content and length of this letter may vary as per the circumstances, organizational policies, effects on the clients, etc. However, generally, the following details are included in such letters:

  • Date.
  • Details of the addresser.
  • Details of the organization.
  • The notification about the hybrid model.
  • Explanation of the hybrid model, including how it would function, and which days would be online, and which ones would be work from office days.
  • Justification and reasoning behind the adoption of new model.
  • Effects on or functionality for the clients.
  • Effective date of implementation.
  • Show openness for queries.

This letter embarks a good impression of the organization on the clients, as it is a formal communication, especially carried out to lower the clients’ inconveniences. It reflects that the organization cares about its clients, and values them to get a timely notification of any change in the work model.

Sample Letter

Dear clients,

This letter is being written to notify you about our new hybrid work model, which is being opted for by our organization to smoothen the business practices.

As you know the current COVID-19 pandemic has affected our work systems. Previously, we had to completely go online, and our employees were working from home. However, it affected their productivity as well as our relationship with, and satisfaction of, the clients was being impacted. Therefore, we have decided to adopt a hybrid work model.

Effective from 1st October 20XX, our employees would work in the office premises on Monday till Wednesday, and Thursday and Friday would be their work from home days. Saturday and Sundays will be completely off days. All the face-to-face meetings would be planned accordingly. If you want to visit the office, please visit on the mentioned days to avoid any inconvenience. In addition, the work and projects will continue smoothly, as before, and hence, the project deadlines will not be affected.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at $[X].

Thank you.


Samantha Wilson.

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