Reply Email to Improve Performance at Work

Sending and receiving emails at the workplace is very common, especially for working people. Unlike letters, it is easier to write emails as one has to be less careful about the format. In addition, the email also reaches the intended reader quickly. You will need to write emails and also reply to various emails in different scenarios. Therefore, you should know how to write an email and a response email. 

What is a reply email to improve performance at work?

It is a type of electronic mail that people have to write to respond to the email they have received from their boss. It is important to note that the reply email’s content completely depends on the email you are responding to. In the professional world, oftentimes you are not allowed to ignore email, and sending a reply is a must. So, you should know how you can draft an email that has appropriate content in it. 

When to write the email to improve the performance?

Performance assessment and evaluation are a main part of almost every business. It is usually performed to keep a check on the performance of the people working for a business. Then, the stakeholders share the feedback with the employee and let him know about the weak and strong areas that need to be improved.

In return, the employee should write a reply email so that the employer can confirm the feedback that has been received by the employer. However, this email is not always written in reply to another email. 

What are the main elements of the reply email?

A strong subject:

Every email has a subject that describes the entire email in a few words. If you don’t add a subject or if you are not so careful while writing a subject, your email might get ignored and your boss will assume that you have not responded. So, add a subject that is strong enough to clearly describe the email. 

A gratitude statement:

Start the email by letting the manager know that you are thankful to him for evaluating your performance and letting you know about the weak areas where you need to work. People who receive the evaluation report are expected to read the report carefully and then inform the recipient that they are going to improve their performance. They should be thankful to the recipient because it is because of him, they can work on their weaknesses. 

Description of how you will improve your performance:

In this part of the email, you are required to describe how you will improve your performance. For a better explanation, you can choose the one weak area that has been highlighted during the evaluation and then discuss how you will convert that weak area into your power area. Writing this part of the email will also let the recipient know that you have understood the evaluation report and you have taken the criticism as positive feedback. 

Reassurance to improve the performance:

Since the reader is concerned about the poor performance of the employee, the employee should give reassurance that improving his performance based on the feedback is his top priority. 

Below is a sample email that can be read to understand how a response email is drafted. 

Sample email:

Subject: Response to the performance evaluation

Respected sir, 

Thank you so much for assessing my performance and giving me an honest review of it. After reading your email, I have come to understand that there are many areas of my personality where I am required to focus a little more. I lack the skill of time management due to which, I often struggle while catching up with my teammates. I have decided to work on myself so that I can become more punctual and responsible towards my work. 

I appreciate the piece of advice you have shared with me. Thank you so much for investing your time and giving your valuable feedback. I assure you that I will improve my performance and you will see a significant change in my personality as well as my performance. 


Name of the employee, 

Designation in the company

Reply Email to Improve Performance at Work

Email Sample File Size 76 KB