Disciplinary Decision Letters

A disciplinary decision is the result of disciplinary action taken for an employee. When employees act or behave inappropriately, employers deal with the situation by first informally talking to the employee to sort out an issue. If the problem persists or situations are repeated, the employer may take formal action against the employee. This formal action is known as disciplinary action.

Disciplinary actions can range from mild to severe action depending on the situation. A few examples of situations when disciplinary action may be taken are:

  • An employee repeatedly arrives late or is not punctual.
  • An employee is negligent causing loss to the organization
  • Co-workers complain about employee’s attitude or behavior
  • Co-workers complain about sexual harassment
  • An employee is caught passing exclusive information outside
  • Employee refuses to follow instructions or blueprint procedures

Usually, disciplinary action requires a committee to sit down and review the complaint or issue. The employee is also called for a formal explanation of his/her behavior or actions. Finally, the committee takes a reasonable decision in an internal meeting known as the disciplinary decision. The employee is then communicated about the decision.

Sample Letters:

1-Disciplinary Letter of Ending Suspension

Subject: Ending Suspension Notification


[Employee name]

This is to remind you that your suspension period has ended. You should come to work from tomorrow [date]. A copy of the disciplinary action report shall soon be sent to you.


Emanuel Johns

Human Resources Head

Disciplinary Letter of Ending Suspension

2-Disciplinary Letter on Review of Suspension

Subject: Review of Suspension


[Employee name]

This is in response to your application for review of suspension. After careful analysis of the current status of the on-going disciplinary investigation, we have decided to continue with the original decision to suspend you for a period of three weeks.

The details of the investigation report shall be emailed you as soon as they are finalized. You shall report to work at the end of your suspension period that is [date and day].


Emanuel Johns

Human Resources Head

Disciplinary Letter on Review of Suspension

3- Letter of Disciplinary Decision of Suspension 

Subject: The Disciplinary decision of Suspension

To [employee name],

This is to inform you that you have been suspended without pay for a period of two weeks due to your poor personal conduct.

On September 06, 20xx (Wednesday), you entered into a heated argument with your colleague and threatened to punch him in the face. There have been informal complaints against your aggressive behavior in the past as well. After giving you multiple verbal warnings, a formal complaint was submitted against your behavior. As we discussed in the committee with you, your conduct is unacceptable according to section 103A and 202A.

We at [company name] promote values of respect and tolerance. Under no circumstances are employees allowed to threaten others or disrupt the organizational environment. A similar case arose in 2012 as well when an employee hit another employee after an argument. He was terminated on spot.

You are to resume office on September 20, 20xx. We hope you will mend your ways and improve your behavior towards your colleagues in the future.


Eric Martin

Head of Human Resources

Letter of Disciplinary Decision of Suspension

4-Disciplinary Letter of Suspension


[Employee name]

We have received a formal complaint against your unethical conduct at work. While the allegations against you are being investigated, you are hereby suspended for a period of one week effective immediately.

During this time, the investigation team led by Mr. Jack Simon shall review your case and may contact you for information. You are expected to cooperate with him and explain your actions to ensure a fair and reasonable decision.

The suspension shall be paid since the investigation is on-going. This may change in the future. You must not discuss the proceedings of the investigation nor the allegations against you with any co-worker or employee of the organization other than the investigation team. Once the disciplinary decision for suspension is communicated to you, you may submit a review application.


Hanna Sable

Head of Human Resources

Disciplinary Letter of Suspension