Letter Contacting the Employer to Return to Work

What is a letter to the employer asking him to return to work?

There can be many reasons to write this letter to your employer. In this letter, you ask your former employer to rehire you.

When to write the letter for returning to work?

There are many situations in which you feel the need to write this letter. If you are not happy with your new job or you were away from work due to some reason, you must write this letter to show your intention that you are ready to work. It is important to note that there are many such situations in which you should never opt to write this letter. For example, if you have been laid off from the company because of showing misconduct or because the company was downsizing, you cannot ask the employer to let you come back to work.

In general, people choose to write this letter when they get medical leave. The employee should know that if he meets one of the following criteria, he can write the letter to return to work

  1. When you know that you can perform all the duties once you return
  2. When you want to get temporary work or some light duties to perform

These days, people take leave from work when they come to know that they have contracted the Coronavirus. In this situation, their boss asks them to take leave and stay at home until they fully recover from the disease so that other people can stay safe. When your report turns negative, you can write this letter to your boss

  How to write this letter?

  • Remind the employer that you are on medical leave:

Start the letter with a brief history of how and when you took medical leave from office and what was the situation that necessitated the approval of medical leave. You should specify the date on which you applied for medical leave and the date from which your leave became effective

  • Express your intent to return to work:

After having provided the history, tell the employer that you are ready to return to work. Your employer might be waiting to hear from you. Therefore, you should write it clearly in the letter that you are ready to work.

Assure the employer that you are feeling healthy and fit just as you used to be before taking the medical leave. For assurance, tell the employer that you are attaching your medical reports with the letter as proof that you have defeated the disease and now you are healthy enough to join your job again

  • End the letter with a call to action:

The end of the letter matters a lot no matter who you are writing this letter to. End the letter with appropriate wording. You can ask the employer to contact you by saying that you are waiting for his response. Your employer might have an appointment with someone else on your position temporarily. This letter is a clear message for him that you are ready to make a comeback

  • Proofread the letter:

Since you are writing this letter to your boss, you should make sure that your letter is free of every type of error and mistake. For this purpose, proofread the letter well and make sure that you have left no grammatical or spelling mistakes in the letter.

You can also ask someone else to proofread it for you so that you can see your letter from other people’s points of view and identify the mistakes.

Sample letter:

Date: ——————

Subject: the subject of the letter

Dear (name of the employee),

As you know that I was tested positive for COVID-19 on 20th June 20XX. I decided to quarantine myself as soon as the reports were received. You gave me medical leave for a month so that I can stay at home, take rest, and recover from the ailing disease.

After three weeks, I have gone through the COVID-19 test again and this time, my tests came negative. With this, I am feeling now much healthy and I know that I am not able to spread this disease to anyone now. Therefore, I am writing this letter to let you know that I am fit as a fiddle to join my job again.

I assure you that I am ready to work with my full potential because I am as healthy as I used to be before contracting the Coronavirus. I have also conducted my all essential medical tests and my all reports are fine. For your satisfaction, I am attaching my all reports with this letter including the COVID-19 latest test report. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Your name
Company name
Position in the company

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