#1 Son is not feeling well
Hey sir, I hope you are doing well. Sir I am writing you this email to get permission to work remotely. It is because my son is not feeling well. I am concerned about his health due to the [X] spread throughout the country. I am not feeling confident to leave him alone with my maid. I want to take care of myself. For that reason, I want to start working from home.
I know it is somewhat difficult to manage work from home with a child, but I try my best to cooperate with the team. It is my promise that I will stay in touch and deliver all work according to commitment.

Hi sir, how are you? Sir, I want to say about my concerns about the ongoing situation of X]. I do not feel comfortable working from the office as I have a weak immune system and get infected earlier as compared to people with strong immunity. For that reason, it is my request to allow me to work from home.
I promise you I will be online on time and stay in touch with you. I will be available through the cell, email as well as a video conference. You can contact me whenever you need my assistance. I hope you understand and approve my request.

Dear Ma’am, I want to say that I need permission to work from home. Not me, I want the company should make a policy to allow employees to work from home. As we all know we work on the computer and stay connected online even inside the office. So, working from home will not make a much difference rather will help employees stay safe from the X] situation going on. I along with other employees felt nervous about [X]. I hope you can go through the request and allow me to work from home. It is my promise that I will fulfill my duties properly at home and you will get no complaints.

Hello sir, I hope you are doing well. Sir, I need permission for the request to work from home. As we all know the [X] is causing fear all around. People are afraid of being attacked by the virus. Due to this reason, we all have to strictly follow the preventive measures. Sir, I want to say that we should implement such policies so that we can work from home. We all are capable of fulfilling our duties by staying at home. As our work demand does not need a strict presence in the office, we can manage. So kindly have a look at the suggestion and permit us to work from home.

Hey sir, how are you doing? Sir, please consider my request. I want to stay home and want to complete my remaining project from home. Sir, I want us should have social distancing these days to avoid the occurrence of [X] in any of our employees. I want it should help in flattening the curve of people affected by the virus so that we stay safe from the infection. Kindly sir accept the request and allow us to work from home.

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