invitation cards

Bridal Shower Invitation Cards

In the following century, weddings were done for social media appreciation and to gain more followers. Continuously changing trends have added so many traditions to the simple concept of marriage. Now, weddings take almost two weeks to complete because of numerous functions and their baseless justifications. The bridal shower is one of the pre-wedding functions that is celebrated by the bride’s side of the family. This event is celebrated to shower the bride-to-be with lots of affection and love. It is usually a girl’s affair kind of event but can be attended by boys in the family. Typical guests of…

Birthday Party Invitation Cards

Birthdays are considered great events for celebrating memories and life. People enjoy these parties with their families and loved ones as they embark on the journey to another year. These events are celebrated by everyone globally, and some people are more enthusiastic about birthdays as compared to others. Birthday parties are another way to have people come together and share a good time. Birthday parties are usually celebrated in private places, but recently, using public places for organizing huge birthday events has also been trending. Although they take a lot of work to organize and execute, party planners cater to…

Baby Shower Invitation Cards

Spending a life for oneself is not enough sometimes. We all want reasons to keep us going and have some motivation for us. As we pass through different phases of our lives, our emotional needs change as well. Once we reach that time, we all want some type of partnership or companionship in our lives. This is when we start searching for a soul mate. It might take time, but when we find the right person, our perception of life changes dramatically. Once we get settled with our partner, the charm of the relationship starts to fade. Having a partner…