The parents of a child can write this request letter when they are shifting to another city or district and don’t want it to have any effect on the child’s education. The parents of the child can write the request letter to the management of the school.
What is the purpose of writing the school transfer request letter?
Parents usually write this letter when they want to get approval from the management of the school for the transfer of the child. There might be another branch of the school in the city where parents are going to be shifted. This letter helps them easily get their child admitted to the new school. In many cases, they don’t have to go through the entire admissions process again since they are just shifting schools.
Guidelines for writing the request letter for the child’s school transfer:
When it comes to writing the request letter to the school, parents should consider many things. Most of the time, people get confused because they don’t know in what way it would be appropriate for them to ask for school transfer approval. For such parents, we have provided some guidelines:
- Mention the date on which you are going to shift to another city or state. This indicates that you need school transfer approval.
- Mention your contact details in the request letter so that the school can contact you when it decides to approve your request.
- Provide details about the child, such as name, roll number, class, etc.
- It is important to give the reason for requesting the transfer of schools. Make sure that you write the reason appropriately.
- Since it is a request letter, you don’t need to include unnecessary details in it. Stay relevant to the subject of the letter and write the request briefly.
- If you need an NOC from school, mention it in the letter.
- At the end of the letter, ask the school again to approve the request you made.
Sample -1
The principal,
The City School,
Lake View campus,
Michigan, USA
Subject: Request to change school
Dear Mr. Walton,
I hope you will be enjoying the best of your health. Well, first of all, I would like to say a lot of thanks to you and your school’s teaching staff for the quality of education they are imparting to young children. My child, named Harry, in class 7-A, has been studying at your school for the last nine years. By virtue of your loving and caring attitude, he managed to secure A-plus grades throughout his stay at your school. Being in your school, you taught him a lot regarding his academics.
I am writing this letter to request that you allow my child to leave school. Due to some administrative reasons, my company has transferred me to another state from here. Unfortunately, I am relocating myself to that state, and it would be almost impossible for Harry to travel from a new state to here. Therefore, I thought it would be better for him to seek admission to another branch of your school in the state where I have been transferred.
I hope you will consider my request and grant my child permission to leave the school. In order to complete the process, we are ready to undergo any prescribed procedure.
I am thanking you and all your staff members in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,

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Size: 17 KB
Sample -2
The Principal,
American Lyceum School,
Park Lane branch, Michigan, USA.
Subject: Request from parents to change schools
Dear Mr. Henry,
First of all, I would like to say thanks to you and your teaching staff for your marvelous services. There would be no exaggeration if I said that you people are helping our children become useful citizens.
Through this letter, I request that you issue a school transfer letter to my daughter, named Liza, in Class 7-A, Roll Number 13. The reason behind her leaving is that I am being transferred to New York from New Jersey by the end of this month. It will be impossible for my daughter to travel between two different states. The best thing is that I have talked to the management of the same school branch located in New York, so I am less worried about her studies now.
I have cleared all the dues for your school, leaving nothing pending. Therefore, I request that you write a school leaving certificate for Liza that may be used at the other school for her admission purposes at another branch of American Lyceum School.
Liza has learned a lot under your kind supervision, and she will miss her sincere teachers a lot there. I’m waiting for your nice cooperation.
Yours truly, Anderson.

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Size: 17 KB
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