Letter to Inform a Customer of an Incorrect Payment

When the customer provides incorrect information about a payment account by mistake, it is the right of the company to write a letter to its customer informing him of an incorrect payment amount.

It is a brief letter that informs the customer effectively and also provides him with some suggestions to correct the mistake. It should be kept in mind that the letter informing the customer is written only when you know that it was not done by the customer deliberately. You can politely make him correct the mistake.

There can be many reasons for informing the customer about it. For example, if the customer pays fewer amounts by mistake, you should inform him so that he can pay the due amount.

Some customers pay for the product but not shipping charges. Such customers should be asked to pay the shipping charges and taxes also. If there is a problem with the balance of the customer, you should let him know so that he can rectify the situation.

How to write the letter?

  1. Start the letter by informing the customer about the mistake in the payment amount he has made.
  2. The complete detail should be provided so that he can understand the issue well.
  3. The tone of the letter should be polite and friendly. For this, you can appreciate him for making payment first and then tell him about the mistake.
  4. If the customer has made multiple payments and you want to remind him of a specific one, mention the date of payment.
  5. The mistake in the balance that occurred due to the wrong payment should also be described in the letter.
  6. After describing the mistake in the payment amount, you can give some possible solutions that the customer can choose from.
  7. At the end of the letter, you can offer any type of assistance to your customers by giving your phone number and other contact details in the letter. This shows professionalism and courtesy.

A sample letter

Thanks for making the payment, we will be sending you an updated statement once the reconciliations are complete. We appreciate your timely payments. The invoiced amount was $100,000 however, we have only received a payment of $90,000.

Can you please review our invoices and confirm if there is a specific reason for holding on to this payment? We are happy to work around any issues with the price or quantity. Can you please confirm if you are happy to add this overdue amount to the invoice for the next month or would you pay immediately?


Inform a customer of an incorrect payment amount and ask for the balance

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Sample letter 2

Dear ‘Name of Client’,

It has come to our notice that your last payment amount does not match our record. You are required to submit your account balance record and the last payment slip to the regional office. This information will help dismiss any miscalculated figures and produce a clean record of your account.

Please submit the documents, latest by ‘Date’. If you have queries, please visit your regional office or contact us at [contact] or email us at [email].


Letter to Inform a Customer of an Incorrect Payment