Product Feedback Card Template

Customer feedback about a product is important if you want to improve the quality of your product. It helps you improve the delivery of the product and makes you understand the fundamentals of your business.

You can get an idea of the thoughts and tastes of your customers, and then you can produce the product in such a way that it can increase their satisfaction.

Many companies don’t ask for feedback because they think it is very hard for customers to provide the required details. However, some prevalent methods can be adapted to convince customers to give feedback such as a feedback card.

How do I make a product feedback card?

The interface of the feedback card should be user-friendly and have a simple design with very straightforward instructions to make it easily understandable by the customers. The feedback cards are easy to prepare because they do not require complex data or technical details. There should be plenty of space for the customer to input his comments about your product.

If you have added several fields to your feedback card, it is important to label them correctly. Each field of the card should be visible.

You can include a series of questions on this card with 4 to 5 options that will make it easier for your customers to give them an opinion.

However, if you want to know anything additional about your product, you can give some space at the end of the card where the customer will be able to write some additional remarks or suggestions about the product.

Benefits of feedback card:

With the help of the product feedback card, you can categorize your customers into four categories which are:

  1. Extremely happy customers
  2. Extremely unhappy customers
  3. Neutral customers
  4. Customers with requests.

If you are interested in knowing what your customer thinks about your products, design your feedback card to let them comment on your product.

Following is given a product feedback card template. I hope it helps to do the job!

Product feedback card template

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Product feedback card template

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Product feedback card template

File: Word (.doc) 2007+ and iPad 
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Product feedback card template

File: Word (.doc) 2007+ and iPad 
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Product feedback card template

File: Word (.doc) 2007+ and iPad 
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Product feedback card template

File: Word (.doc) 2007+ and iPad 
Size 93 KB