Octagon Graph Papers

No one can understand the importance of the graph papers other than the ones who work on them hours and hours daily. The mathematicians, engineers, and architects will tell you the importance of these papers since any minor change can destroy the whole project.

Octagon graph papers and its importance:

An Octagon graph paper consists of consecutive octagons printed on a page and separated by uniform distance. These are widely used by the engineers, architects, and mathematicians to do various types of drawing and calculations.

You can buy these graphs from the market easily. They are available in the local stationary shops. You can order them from online stores as well or get them customized according to your work.

Types of the Octagon graph papers:

  • The types of the Octagon graph papers are not much in number. The size of the page could be A4 or letter sized.
  • The number of the octagons on the page depends on the size of these octagons. You can adjust the number of octagons as well.
  • The spacing between the octagons could be 1 inch, ½ inch, ¼ inch as well.

How to get the Octagon graph papers customized?

You can get anything customized online nowadays. When we talk about customized graph papers, we really mean it. We have designed several samples for your convenience. You can download them from the link given below. Here is a list of thing that could be modified according to the need of every customer.

  • You can get the graph paper in any size, whether it is letter sized or A4 size.
  • The border of the page could be modified as well. The thickness of the border could be in inches.
  • You can adjust the line intensity as well, ranging between very fine and very dense.
  • The number of the octagons on the page could be according to the type of work you are intending to do on it.
  • The background color of the octagons could be modified as well.
  • You can adjust the spacing of the octagons according to your work. The spacing could be 1 inch to ¼ inch.


Preview & Details of Templates

Octagon Graph Paper 0.25 Inch

Octagon Graph Paper Template -1

File: Word (.doc) 2003+ and iPad
Size 312 Kb | Download

Octagon Size: 0.25 inch

Octagon Graph Paper 0.50 inch


Octagon Graph Paper Template -2

File: Word (.doc) 2003+ and iPad
Size 312 Kb | Download

Octagon Size: 0.50 inch

Octagon Graph Paper 0.75 inch


Octagon Graph Paper Template -3

File: Word (.doc) 2003+ and iPad
Size 312 Kb | Download

Octagon Size: 0.75 inch

Octagon Graph Paper 1 inch


Octagon Graph Paper Template -4

File: Word (.doc) 2003+ and iPad
Size 312 Kb | Download

Octagon Size: 1 inch